
  • テキストサイズ 中
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大学院科目名 創薬医学(創薬センター)
   特任教授     酒井 敏行(創薬センター長)
 研究教授     堀中 真野
 助教       安田 周祐
 助教       谷口 恵香
 特任助教     小野 寿子
研究内容 ・ ファースト/ベスト・イン・クラスのMEK阻害剤トラメチニブ(商品名メキニスト)の開発に成功した独自の抗がん剤スクリーニング方法を用いた、さらなる画期的新薬の創製
1)Discovery of cancer-preventive juices reactivating RB functions. 
Masuda M, Horinaka M, Yasuda S, Morita M, Nishimoto E, Ishikawa H, Mutoh M, Sakai T.
Environ Health Prev Med. 2023; 28: 54.
2)“RB-reactivator screening” as a novel cell-based assay for discoveries of molecular targeting agents including the first-in-class MEK inhibitor trametinib (trade name: Mekinist).
Sakai T.
Pharmacol Ther. 2022; 236: 108234.
3)Enhanced inhibition of ERK signaling by a novel allosteric MEK inhibitor, CH5126766, that suppresses feedback reactivation of RAF activity.
Ishii N, Harada N, Joseph EW, Ohara K, Miura T, Sakamoto H, Matsuda Y, Tomii Y, Tachibana-Kondo Y, Iikura H, Aoki T, Shimma N, Arisawa M, Sowa Y, Poulikakos PI, Rosen N, Aoki Y, Sakai T.
Cancer Res. 2013; 73:4050-60.
4)Antitumor activities of JTP-74057 (GSK1120212), a novel MEK1/2 inhibitor, on colorectal cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo.
Yamaguchi T, Kakefuda R, Tajima N, Sowa Y, Sakai T.
Int J Oncol. 2011; 39: 23-31.
5)YM753, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, exhibits antitumor activity with selective, sustained accumulation of acetylated histones in tumors in the WiDr xenograft model.
Shindoh N, Mori M, Terada Y, Oda K, Amino N, Kita A, Taniguchi M, Sohda KY, Nagai K, Sowa Y, Masuoka Y, Orita M, Sasamata M, Matsushime H, Furuichi K, Sakai T.
Int J Oncol. 2008; 32: 545-55.
6)CpG methylation inactivates the promoter activity of the human retinoblastoma tumor-suppressor gene.
Ohtani-Fujita N, Fujita T, Aoike A, Osifchin NE, Robbins PD, Sakai T.
Oncogene. 1993; 8: 1063-7.
7)Oncogenic germ-line mutations in Sp1 and ATF sites in the human retinoblastoma gene.
Sakai T, Ohtani N, McGee TL, Robbins PD, Dryja TP.
Nature 1991; 353: 83-6.
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