
  • テキストサイズ 中
  • テキストサイズ 大







大学院科目名 物質生命基礎科学
医学部教室名 物理学教室
教授       高西 陽一
准教授      川野 輝彦
助教(学内講師) 酒谷 雄峰
2. 物質の根源を探る理論的を研究
1. J.-J. Lee, S. Kim, H.Nishikawa, Y. Takanishi, H. Iwayama, C.Kim, S.-W. Choi and F. Araoka,Chiroptical Performances in Self-Assembled Hierarchical Nanosegregated Chiral Intermediate Phases Composed of Two Different Achiral Bent-Core Molecules, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 14629 (2022).
2. Y. Sakatani, Poisson-Lie T-plurality for dressing cosets, PTEP 2022, no.6, 063B01 (2022).
3. Y. Takanishi, F. Araoka, and H. Iwayama, The effect of the structure of helical nanofilament of the B4 phase of bent-core liquid crystals on the nano-phase separation mixed with rod-like cholesteric liquid crystal mixture, RSC Adv. 12, 29346 (2022).
4. A. Fukuda, J. K. Vij and Y. Takanishi, Variety of subphase emerging sequences, the frustration of three main phases, SmC∗ A, SmC∗, and SmA, and the long-range interlayer interactions, Phys. Rev. E 104, 014705 (2021).
5. E. Malek, Y. Sakatani and D. C. Thompson, E_{6(6)} Exceptional Drinfel'd Algebras, JHEP 01,020 (2021).
6. Y. Takanishi, New liquid crystal formation induced by nano-scale phase separation composed of a bent-core liquid crystal and rod-like cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures, Soft Matter, 17, 563 (2021).
7. Y. Takanishi, Chiral symmetry breaking in liquid crystals: appearance of ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity, Symmetry 12, 1900 (2020).
8. Y. Sakatani, U-duality extension of Drinfel'd double, PTEP 2020, no.2, 023B08 (2020).
9. Y. Takanishi * , A. Iida, N. Yadav, A. D. L. Chandani Perera, A. Fukuda, M. A. Osipov, and J. K. Vij, Unexpected electric-field-induced antiferroelectric liquid crystal phase in the SmCa* temperature range and the discrete flexoelectric effect, Phys. Rev. E(Rapid com.) 100, 010701
10. Y. Sakatani, Type II DFT solutions from Poisson-Lie T-duality/plurality, PTEP 2019, no.7, 073B04 (2019).
11. T. Araujo, E. Ó Colgáin, Y. Sakatani, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, H. Yavartanoo, Holographic integration of T\bar{T} and J\bar{T} via O(d,d), JHEP 03, 168 (2019).
12. A.Iida, Y. Takanishi, A. Fukuda and J.K.Vij, Resonant X-ray scattering observation of transitional subphases during the electric-field-induced phase transition in a mixture of Se-containing chiral smectic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 97, 062702-1 (2018).
13. A.D.L. Chandani Perera, A. Fukuda, J. K. Vij and Y. Takanishi * , Ferrielectric six-layer q E =1/3 (q T =2/3) and several electric-field-induced subphases in AS657 studied by complementary methods, electric-field-induced birefringence and microbeam resonant X-ray scattering, Liq.Cryst.(INVITED ARTICLE) 44 1-12 (2017) .
14. Z. Feng, A.D.L. Chandani Perera, A. Fukuda, J. K. Vij, K. Ishikawa A.Iida and Y. Takanishi * , Definite existence of subphases with eight- and ten-layer unit cells as studied by complementary methods, electric field induced birefringence and microbeam resonant x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev.
E 96, 012701-1 (2017).
15. Y. Sakatani, S. Uehara and K. Yoshida, Generalized gravity from modified DFT, JHEP 04, 123 (2017).
16. A.D.L. Chandani, A. Fukuda, J.K. Vij, Y. Takanishi*, and A.Iida, Effective long-range interlayer interaction and electric-field induced subphases in ferroelectric liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 93 042707 (2016).
17. Y. Takanishi*, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Takahashi, S. Kang and A. Iida, Chiral doping effect in the B2 phase of a bent-core liquid crystal:The observation of resonant X-ray satellite peaks assigned to the 5/10 layer periodic structure, EuroPhysics Lett. 109, 56003 (2015).
18. Y. Takanishi * , H. Yao, T. Fukasawa, K. Ema, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Takahashi, J. Yamamoto, H. Takezoe and A. Iida, Local Orientational Analysis of Helical Filaments and Nematic Director in a Nano-scale Phase Separation Composed of Rod-like and Bent-core Liquid Crystals using Small- and  Wide-angle X-ray Microbeam Scattering, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118 3998 (2014).
19. Y. Fukuda, T. Kawano, N. Matsumiya, 5D SYM and 2D q-Deformed YM, Nucl. Phys B869, 493 (2013).
20. Y. Takanishi * , I. Nishiyama, J. Yamamoto, Y. Ohtsuka and A. Iida, Smectic-C* liquid crystals with six-layer periodicity appearing between ferroelectric and antiferroelectric chiral smectic phases, Phys. Rev. E (rapid) 87 050503(R) (2013). 
21. C. Kobayashi, J. Yamamoto, and Y. Takanishi * , Photonic effect in a hyper-swollen lyotropic lamellar phase, J. Appl. Phys. 112 013531 (2012).
22. Y. Takanishi * , Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Takahashi and A. Iida, Microbeam resonant x-ray scattering from bromine-substituted bent-core liquid crystals, Physical Review E, 81 011701 (2010).
23. Y. Takanishi * , Y. Ohtsuka, G. Suzaki, S. Nishimura and H. Takezoe, Low threshold lasing from dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal multi-layered structures, Opt. Express 18 12909 (2010).
24. H. Hayashi, T. Kawano, R. Tatar, T. Watari, Codimension-3 Singularities and Yukawa Couplings in F-Theory, Nucl Phys B823, 47 (2009).
25. H. Hata, T. Kawano, Open String States around a Classical solution in Vacuum String Field Theory, JHEP 11, 038 (2001).

ytakanis[at]koto.kpu-m.ac.jp ( [at]を@に)

教室独自のHP 準備中

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