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泌尿器科学教室HP http://kpum-urology.com/

大学院科目名 泌尿器外科学
医学部教室名 泌尿器科学教室
 教授  浮村 理
准教授     本郷 文弥
准教授     奥見 雅由
講師      内藤 泰行
講師      藤原 敦子
助教(学内講師)白石 匠
助教(学内講師)上田 崇
助教(学内講師)宮下 雅亜
助教      安食 淳
助教      齋藤 友充子
助教      多賀 英人
臨床 (代表的な進行中の研究として以下)
1. 小径腎細胞癌に対する凍結療法
2. 小径腎細胞癌に対するロボット支援手術
3. Hybrid Navigationを用いたロボット支援前立腺全摘除術
4. 3次元癌病巣マッピングによる前立腺癌の積極的監視療法
5. 膀胱尿管逆流症に対する経膀胱的腹腔鏡下逆流防止術
6. 進行精巣腫瘍における腹腔鏡下神経温存後腹膜リンパ節廓清術
7. 世界最先端のレーザー治療機器を用いた前立腺肥大症治療
8. 放射線外部照射後の再発前立腺癌に対する救済密封小線源療法
9. 独自に開発した問診票を用いることによるQOLを重視した排尿障害治療
10. 狭帯域光観察(NBI)、光力学的診断(PDD)を用いた膀胱癌の診断精度向上
11. 骨盤臓器脱に対する腹腔鏡下仙骨膣固定術(LSC)
基礎 (代表的な進行中の研究として以下) 
1. 前立腺癌増悪促進におけるRNA結合因子を介した遺伝子発現制御メカニズムの解明
2. 去勢抵抗性前立腺癌進展におけるヒストン修飾酵素の関与と治療への応用    
3. アンドロゲン受容体転写抑制による精巣腫瘍発生メカニズムの解明
4. 難治性膀胱上皮内癌に対する新規治療法としてのγδT細胞膀胱内注入療法の開発
5. ナノデバイスを利用した新規腎癌治療の開発
6. ナノ磁性ビーズを用いた腎細胞癌に対するmTOR阻害薬の抗腫瘍効果メカニズムの解析
7. エピゲノミック制御を介した遺伝子発現メカニズムの解明
8. マウス癌モデルを用いた新規治療標的因子の解析
9. 疾患モデル動物(ショウジョウバエ)を用いた病態制御メカニズムの解明
臨床研究 (過去5年間の代表的な論文を抜粋)
  1. prostate biopsy using three-dimensional ultrasound-based organ-tracking technology: Initial experience in Japan.  Int J Urol. 2019 May;26(5):544-549.
  2. Primary Whole-gland Cryoablation for Prostate Cancer: Biochemical Failure and Clinical Recurrence at 5.6 Years of Follow-up. Eur Urol. 2019 Feb;75(2):208-214.
  3. Which Patients with Negative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Safely Avoid Biopsy for Prostate Cancer?  J Urol. 2019 Feb;201(2):268-277.
  4. Biochemical and magnetic resonance image response in targeted focal cryotherapy to ablate targeted biopsy-proven index lesion of prostate cancer.Int J Urol. 2019 Feb;26(2):317-319.
  5. Randomized study of intravesical pirarubicin chemotherapy with low and intermediate-risk nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer in Japan: Comparison of a single immediate postoperative intravesical instillation with short-term adjuvant intravesical instillations after transurethral resection.Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Oct;97(42):e12740.
  6. Chemotherapy for metastatic testicular cancer: The first nationwide multi-institutional study by the Cancer Registration Committee of the Japanese Urological Association.  Int J Urol. 2018 Aug;25(8):730-736.
  7. Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome among refractory germ cell tumor patients.  Int J Urol. 2018 Jul;25(7):678-683.
  8. Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Using Acrinol as a Novel Dye Can Be Used to Observe Cancer Nuclei of Bladder Carcinoma In Situ.  J Endourol Case Rep. 2018 Feb 1;4(1):25-27.
  9. Morphometric analysis of prostate zonal anatomy using magnetic resonance imaging: impact on age-related changes in patients in Japan and the USA.  BJU Int. 2017 Oct;120(4):497-504.
  10. Preoperative lipiodol marking and its role on survival and complication rates of CT-guided cryoablation for small renal masses.  BMC Urol. 2017 Jan 18;17(1):10.
  11. Robotic transmural ablation of bladder tumors using high-intensity focused ultrasound: Experimental study.  Int J Urol. 2016 Jun;23(6):501-8.
  12. Personalized 3D printed model of kidney and tumor anatomy: a useful tool for patient education.  World J Urol. 2016 Mar;34(3):337-45.
  13. Image-based monitoring of targeted biopsy-proven prostate cancer on active surveillance: 11-year experience.  World J Urol. 2016 Feb;34(2):221-7.
  14. A Randomized Controlled Trial To Assess and Compare the Outcomes of Two-core Prostate Biopsy Guided by Fused Magnetic Resonance and Transrectal Ultrasound Images and Traditional 12-core Systematic Biopsy.  Eur Urol. 2016 Jan;69(1):149-56.
  15. Three-dimensional Printed Model of Prostate Anatomy and Targeted Biopsy-proven Index Tumor to Facilitate Nerve-sparing Prostatectomy.  Eur Urol. 2015 Sep
  16. Prostate Cancer Volume Estimation by Combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Targeted Biopsy Proven Cancer Core Length: Correlation with Cancer Volume.  J Urol. 2015 Oct;194(4):957-65.
  17. A novel technique using three-dimensionally documented biopsy mapping allows precise re-visiting of prostate cancer foci with serial surveillance of cell cycle progression gene panel.  Prostate. 2015 Jun;75(8):863-71.
  18. Laparoendoscopic Single-site Surgery for Pediatric Urologic Disease.  J Endourol.
  19. Laparoscopic off-clamp partial nephrectomy using soft coagulation.  Int J Urol. 2015 Aug;22(8):731-4.
  20. Clinical outcomes and histological findings of patients with advanced metastatic germ cell tumors undergoing post-chemotherapy resection of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and residual extraretroperitoneal masses.  Int J Urol. 2015 Jul;22(7):663-8.
  21. Salvage combined chemotherapy with paclitaxel, ifosfamide and nedaplatin for patients with advanced germ cell tumors.  Int J Urol. 2015 Mar;22(3):288-93.
  22. Permanent prostate brachytherapy and short-term androgen deprivation for intermediate-risk prostate cancer in Japanese men: outcome and toxicity.  Brachytherapy. 2015 Mar-Apr;14(2):118-23.
  23. Experience of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy using a kidney grasper in selective cases.  J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2014 Nov;24(11):795-8.
  24. Initial experience of combined use of photodynamic diagnosis and narrow band imaging for detection of flat urothelial lesion.  Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jun;20(3):593-7.
  25. Comparison of diameter-axial-polar nephrometry and RENAL nephrometry score for treatment decision-making in patients with small renal mass.  Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Apr;20(2):358-61.
基礎研究 (過去5年間の代表的な論文を抜粋)
  1. Preclinical orthotopic xenograft model of renal pelvis cancer in which cancer growth could be traced by an in vivo imaging system. Int J Urol. 2019 Jan;26(1):138-139.
  2. MRGBP promotes AR-mediated transactivation of KLK3 and TMPRSS2 via acetylation of histone H2A.Z in prostate cancer cells.  Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2018 Sep;1861 (9): 794-802
  3. Mevalonate pathway blockage enhances the efficacy of mTOR inhibitors with the activation of retinoblastoma protein in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Lett. 2018 Sep 1;431:182-189.
  4. CNPY2 inhibits MYLIP-mediated AR protein degradation in prostate cancer cells.  Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 3;9(25):17645-17655.
  5. Low dose gemcitabine increases the cytotoxicity of human Vγ9Vδ2 T cells in bladder cancer cells in vitro and in an orthotopic xenograft model.  Oncoimmunology. 2018 Feb 8;7(5)
  6. Disruption of circadian clockwork in in vivo reprogramming-induced mouse kidney tumors.  Genes Cells. 2018 Feb;23(2):60-69.
  7. FGFR inhibitor BGJ398 and HDAC inhibitor OBP-801 synergistically inhibit cell growth and induce apoptosis in bladder cancer cells.  Oncol Rep. 2018 Feb;39(2):627-632.
  8. CNPY2 promoted the proliferation of renal cell carcinoma cells and increased the expression of TP53.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Apr 1;485(2):267-271.
  9. Identifying aggressive prostate cancer foci using a DNA methylation classifier.  Genome Biol. 2017 Jan 12;18(1):3.
  10. A Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, OBP-801, and Celecoxib Synergistically Inhibit the Cell Growth with Apoptosis via a DR5-Dependent Pathway in Bladder Cancer Cells.  Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 Sep;15(9):2066-75.
  11. Androgen suppresses testicular cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.  Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 7;7(23):35224-32.
  12. PAX2 promoted prostate cancer cell invasion through transcriptional regulation of HGF in an in vitro model.  Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Nov;1852(11):2467-73.
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教室独自のHP http://kpum-urology.com/

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