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  眼科学教室HP http://www.ophth.kpu-m.ac.jp/

大学院科目名 視覚機能再生外科学
医学部教室名 眼科学教室
教授  外園 千恵
准教授      上野 盛夫
講師       稗田 牧
講師       渡辺 彰英
講師       小嶋 健太郎
助教       福岡 秀記
助教       北澤 耕司
助教       鎌田 さや花
助教       田中 寛
助教       三重野 洋喜
病院助教     沼 幸作

1. Ueta M,Hamuro J,Ohsako S,Kinoshita S.Distinctly regulated functions and mobilization of CD11c-positive cells elicited by TLR3- and IPS-1 signaling in the cornea.Immunol Lett.206(2): 49-53,2019.

2. Kato H, Yokoi N,Watanabe A,Komuro A,Sonomura Y,Sotozono C,Kinoshita S. Relationship Between Ocular Surface Epithelial Damage, Tear Abnormalities, and Blink in Patients With Dry Eye.Cornea.38(3): 318-324,2019.

3. Mieno H,Ueta M,Yamada K,Yamanaka Y,Nakayama T,Watanabe A,Kinoshita S,Sotozono C.Expression of prostaglandin E2 receptor 3 in the eyelid epidermis of patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis.Br J Ophthalmol. 2019.bjophthalmol-2018-313587

4. Ueta M,Sotozono C,Nishigaki H,Ohsako S,Yokoi N,Mizushima K,Naito Y,Kinoshita S.Gene expression analysis of conjunctival epithelium of patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome in the chronic stage.BMJ Open Ophthalmol.4(1): e000254,2019.

5. Hieda O,Kawasaki S,Yamamura K,Nakatsukasa M,Kinoshita S,Sotozono C.Clinical outcomes and time to recurrence of phototherapeutic keratectomy in Japan.Medicine (Baltimore).98(27): e16216,2019.

6. Fukuoka H,Ruti Sella,Spencer D. Fuller,Craig See,Natalie A. Afshari.Video recording and light intensity change analysis during cataract surgery using an animal model .Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.  257(6): 1231-1238,2019.

7. Fukuoka H,Sella R,L Haynie M,Afshari A.Adhesion Strength and Rolling Properties of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Grafts in a Rabbit Eye Model.Current Eye Research. 44(9): 929-933. 2019.

8. Cho Y,Hieda O,Wakimasu K,Yamamura K,Yamasaki T,Nakamura T,Sotozono C,Kinoshita S.Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of the Impact of Corneal Epithelial Thickness on Refractive Error Post Corneal Refractive Surgery.Am J Ophthalmol.207(11): 326-332,2019.

9. Yamamoto A,Tanaka H,Toda M,Sotozono C,Hamuro J,Kinoshita S,Ueno M,Tanaka M.A physical biomarker of the quality of cultured corneal endothelial cells and of the long-term prognosis of corneal restoration in patients.Nat Biomed Eng. 3(12): 953-960,2019.

10. Yamanaka Y,Takenaka N,Sakurai H,Ueno M,Kinoshita S,Sotozono C,Sato T.Human Skeletal Muscle Cells Derived from the Orbicularis Oculi Have Regenerative Capacity for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.Int J Mol Sci. 20(14): pii: E3456,2019.

11. Kitazawa K,Hikichi T,Nakamura T,Nakamura M,Sotozono C,Masui S,Kinoshita S.Direct Reprogramming Into Corneal Epithelial Cells Using a Transcriptional Network Comprising PAX6, OVOL2, and KLF4. Cornea.38(Suppl 1): S34-S41,2019.

12. Shinkai Y,Oshima Y,Yoneda K,Kogo J,Imai H,Watanabe A,Matsui Y,Suzuki K,Sotozono C.27G Vitrectomy Study Group. Multicenter survey of sutureless 27-gauge vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: a consecutive series of 410 cases. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.257(12): 2591-2600,2019.

13. Mieno H,Marunaka Y,Inaba T,Kojima K,Yoneda K,Nagata K, Sotozono C,Sotozono C,Hamuro J.pH balance and lactic acid increase in the vitreous body of diabetes mellitus patients.Exp Eye Res. 188(11): 107789,2019.

14. Ueta M,Nakamura R,Saito Y,Tokunaga K,Sotozono C,Yabe T,Aihara M,Matsunaga K,Kinoshita S.Association of HLA class I and II gene polymorphisms with acetaminophen-related Stevens-Johnson syndrome with severe ocular complications in Japanese individuals.Hum Genome Var. 6: 50,2019.

15. Nakayama T,Watanabe A,Rajak S,Yamanaka Y,Sotozono C,DʼAmico DJ,Dohlman JG.Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction continues trend for spontaneous resolution beyond first year of life.Br J Ophthalmol.2019.bjophthalmol-2019-314980.

16. Nakatani K,Ueta M,Khor SS,Hitomi Y,Okudaira Y,Masuya A,Wada Y,Sotozono C,Kinoshita S,Inoko H,Tokunaga K.Identification of HLA-A*02:06:01 as the primary disease susceptibility HLA allele in cold medicine-related Stevens-Johnson syndrome with severe ocular complications by high-resolution NGS-based HLA typing.Sci Rep. 9(1): 16240,2019.

17. Terao N,Koizumi H,Kojima K,Kusada N,Nagata K,Yamagishi T,Yoneda K,Yoshii K,Kinoshita S,Sotozono C.Short axial length and hyperopic refractive error are risk factors of central serous chorioretinopathy.Br J Ophthalmol. 2019. bjophthalmol-2019-315236.

18. Asaoka R,Murata H,Hirasawa K,Fujino Y,Matsuura M,Miki A,Kanamoto T,Ikeda Y,Mori K,Iwase A,Shoji N,Inoue K,Yamagami J,Araie M.Using Deep Learning and transform learning to accurately diagnose early-onset glaucoma from macular optical coherence tomography images. Am J Ophthalmol.198(2): 136-145,2019.

19. Phan S ,Satoh S,Yoda Y,Kashiwagi K, Oshika T,Japan Ocular Imaging Registry Research Group.Evaluation of deep convolutional neural networks for glaucoma detection.Jpn J Ophthalmol.63(3): 276-283,2019.

20. Matsuda A,Asada Y,Suita N,Iwamoto S,Hirakata T,Yokoi N,Ohkawa Y,Okada Y,Yokomizo T,Ebihara N.Transcriptome profiling of refractory atopic keratoconjunctivitis by RNA sequencing.J Allergy Clin Immunol.143(4): 1610-1614,2019.

21. Bains KK,Fukuoka H,Hammond GM,Sotozono C,Quantock AJ.Recovering vision in corneal epithelial stem cell deficient eyes.Contact Lens Anterior Eye.42(4): 350-358,2019.

22. Miyagawa F,Aoki Y,Hayashino A,Sotozono C,Asada H.Iatrogenic Immunodeficiency-associated Lymphoproliferative Disorder Resembling B-cell Pseudo-lymphoma on the Lip and Conjunctivae.Acta Derm Venereol.99(7): 683-684,2019.

23. Sato T,Higashioka K,Sakurai H,Yamamoto T,Goshima N,Ueno M,Sotozono C.Core Transcription Factors Promote Induction of PAX3-Positive Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells.Stem Cell Reports.13(2): 352-365,2019.

24. Takimoto-Shimomura T,Shimura Y,Nagata K,Inaba T,Chinen Y,Tsukamoto T,Kobayashi T,Horiike S,Sotozono C,Kuroda J,Morimoto T.Primary intraocular natural killer-cell lymphoma successfully treated using a multidisciplinary strategy.Ann Hematol.98(11): 2617-2619,2019.

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