


The library will be temporarily closed on Feb.1st(Sat)2025.(2025/Jan/14)

The library will be closed on Feb 1st (Sat), due to construction work for the Learniing Commons.

The toilets on the first floor of the library are currently under renovation.(2025/Jan/14)

The toilets on the first floor of the library will be closed for renovations from Jan.11th(Sat) to Mar.28th (Fri).
Please use the toilets on the second floor.

Learning Commons Installation Construction (First Phase)(2025/Jan/14)

The north area of the first floor reading room is currently closed due to construction work underway ton set up the Learning Commons.
During the renovation work, please use the second floor reading room, the desks in the basement, or the south area on the first floor.
Dec.25(Wed)2024-Jan.24(Fri)2025 entry to the north area on the first floor is prohibited.

10 major news of Hirokoji Campus.(2025/Jan/09)

Announcement of 10 major news items for Hirokoji Campus in 2024.
Click here.

Announcement of the bookbinding work.(2025/Jan/06)

We will bind journals published in 2022.
Some journals will be suspended borrowing and viewing.

Bookmark Contest Winners.(2025/Jan/06)

The winners of the Autumn Reading Week Bookmark Contest have been decided.
The winning entries click here.
The eighteen submitted works are currently on display at the library.

Temporary closure and New Year's holyday closure of Shimogamokan.(2024/Dec/27)

Shimogamokan will be close from Dec.18(Wed.)~Jan.5(Sun.).
Details:click here.

Special donation rewards availbe.(2024/Nov/21)

We have prepared special gift om return for those who donate 5000yen or more via the internet to the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Library.
You can choose the gift you would like when you apply.
Please apply here.

Books were donated to the library by the resider's association(2024/Nov/15)

Books were donated the library by the resider's association of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.
Book list: click here.

Change the operation of the food truku.(2024/Nov/15)

The food truck will be coming to the Kawaramachi and Hirokoji campuses every weekday from October 8(Tue).
Students receive a 100 yen discount off the regular price.

Special exhibition is being held.(2024/Nov/14)

"Various medial lessons learned from animals" exhibition now being held.
Exhibition materials : click here.
Flyer: click here.

A conversation between Mr.Kaoru Kitamura (Naoki-prize winnig author) and Ms.Kazuko Matsuoka(translator) will be held.(2024/Nov/14)

Special lecture entitled "Shakespeare and Me" a dialogue between Mr.Kaoru Kitamura(Naoki-prize winnig auther)and Ms.Kazuko Matsuoka (transfer)will be held for Hirokoji Campus Projict.
Nov7(Thu),from 15:00 at the Library Hall.
Limited to the first 250 peaple.
Advance registration is required.
Details, click here.

Lecture by Mr.Asato Izumi (auther and columnist) will be held.(2024/Nov/14)

Special lecture by Mr.Asato Izumi( auther and columnist)"Bus trip in Kyoto and nostalgic scenery" to be held for the Hirokoji Campus Project.
There will be signing session for those who bring his book.
Oct 21(Mon), from 15:00 at the Library Hall.
Limited to the first 250 people.
Advance registration is required.
Details, click here.

Construction of the basement bookshelves(2024/Nov/14)

In order to create a learning commons on the first floor of the library, we will be installing electronic bookshelves in the basement.
Due to construction work, some part of the library and the use of Japanese and foreign journals will be restrictet.
There will be noise and vibrations, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Entry to the basement is completely prohibited from Oct 7th(Mon)~9th(Wed).
Work is scheduled to be completed on Oct 27th(Sun).

The library will be closed on Saturday, August 31st.(2024/Nov/14)

Due to the typhoon, the library will be closed on Saturday, August 31st.

Lecture by architect Mr.Tadao Ando.(2024/Nov/14)

Special lecture by architect Mr.Tadao Ando,"living healthy 100 years" to be held for the Hirokoji Campus Project.
Sep 20(Fri), from 15:00 at the Library Hall.
Limited the 250 people.
Advance registration is required.
Details, click here.

Please stop downloading large amounts of electronic journals.(2024/Nov/14)

Cartain journals have been downloaded in large quantities on "Medical Online" since May.
Downloading certain journals in large quantities in prohibited.
Please stop large downloading immedeiately as this will prevent the university from using "Medical Online".

You can borrow books for a long time during summer vacation.(2024/Nov/14)

Details: here.

Donation to the Hirokoji campus Revitalization Project can be made by credit card.(2024/Nov/14)

Your donations will be used to provide the latest knowledge and information to students and medical professionals.
We appreciate your support.
Click here.

Library of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine's librarian Recruitment exam.(2024/Nov/14)

Click here.

Donate used book with the "Because rainy season" donation campaign.(2024/Nov/14)

Charibon is running a campaign to add 500yen per case until June 30th.

You can use the library with just your ID card.(2024/Nov/14)

You can use the library with just your University card.
Students ,click here.
Faculty and University staff, click here.
Faculty member can borrow books by register for My Library here.
Please take this opportunity to use the library.

A lecture and special exhibition about Ryunosuke Akutagawa will be held at library(2024/Mar/27)

A journal featuring Ryunosuke Akutagawa's works was discovered in the library.
"Unknown publications discoveries related to Runosuke Akutagawa's fairy tales" exhibition will be held from Mar11(Mon)~26(Tue).
A lecture will be held on Mar 22(Fry) inviting the curator who discovered the item and the president of the journal in which it was published.
Apply for the lecture click here. Deadline is Mar 14(Thu).
Flyer click here.

Books accepted for students have been decides.(2024/Mar/27)

Book list click here.
Requet books are arriving.

Seminar room reservations(2024/Feb/07)

Seminar room reservations are accepted from one week at advance during library opening hours.
(Weekday 9:00~21:00,Sat 10:00~18:00)
Reservations can also be made by phone.(212-5403)
Click here.

Special exhibition is being held.(2024/Feb/07)

"Tweeted after reading-Books recommended by teachers and everyone" exhibition now being held.
Columns written by teachers past 10 years and book reviews collected from everyone and books are on display at the library.
Exhibition materials:click here.
Flyer:click here.

Set up a comics cornar.(2024/Jan/09)

Comics cornar has been set up in the 2 reading room.
Click here for title list.

10 major news of Hirokoji Campus(2024/Jan/09)

Announcement of 10 major news items for Hirokoji Campus in 2023.
Click here.

Food trucks are coming(2023/Dec/15)

Food trucks are coming to Kawaramachi Campus and Hirokoji Campus.
Starts on Dec.5(Tue).
Click here for flyer. Click here for schedule.

Bookmark contest selected works announced.(2023/Dec/15)

The selected entries for the bookmark contest have been decided.
Click here.

Announcement of the bookbinding work.(2023/Dec/15)

We will bind journals published in 2021. 
Some journals will be suspended borrowing and viewing.

Thank you for posting your book review.(2023/Nov/24)

Click here for recommended books and book reviews.

Thank you for requesting library books.(2023/Nov/24)

Click here for the book to purchase at the library.

Student created a library poster at the Trias Festival(2023/Nov/15)

Nursing department  student created a library poster at the Trias Festival.
Click here.

Looking for book requests.(2023/Oct/30)

During Reading Week, we are looking for books that we would like to have in Hirokoji library and Shimogamokan collection.
Period Oct.27-Nov.9. Click here for details.

We will give you an electronic mobility coupon.(2023/Oct/30)

During Reading Week, those who borrow books, magazines or DVDs from library will receive an electronic mobility LUUP coupon.
Applicable to University members only.
Period Oct.27- Nov.9  Click here for details.

Special exhibition is being held.(2023/Oct/25)

"What day is it in medicine today?" exhibition now being held.
Exhibition materials: click here. Flyer: click here.

We are looking for works for the bookmark contest.(2023/Oct/25)

We will be holding a bookmark contest during Reading Week.
Three outstanding works will be selected.
How to apply: Email or post  Application form: (PDF) (word)
Application period 2023 Oct.27-Nov.9
Click here for details.

Outdoor tables and benches have been installed.(2023/Oct/24)

16 sets of tables, chairs, and 4 benches have been installed on the Hirokoji Campus.
Please use it.

Looking for book reviews.(2023/Oct/24)

We are looking for book reviews during Autumn Reading Week.
Application benefits.
①Gift cards will be given to 50 people by lottery.
②Posted on the library website.
Application method: Google form
Application period 2023 Oct.27-Nov.9
Click here for ditails.

ShimogamoKan will be temporarily closed.(2023/Aug/31)

"ShimogamoKan" will be temporarily closed to organize the collection.
September 11th(Mom) to 15th(Fri).

Books were donated to the library by the resider's association(2023/Aug/09)

Books were donated the library by the resider's association of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.
Book list: Click here.

Your library card will be displayed on your smartphone.(2023/Aug/02)

You can display your library card on your smartphone and use it to enter the library or borrow books.
Click here to view.
Click here if you have not registered in MyLibrary.

Distributing removed books from the library.(2023/Aug/01)

Distribute removed books because they overlap with library books.
Please feel free to bring it from the book truck at the entrance.

Special exhibition is being held.(2023/Jul/26)

”Every weed has a name!" exhibition now being held.
Exhibition materials:click here. Flyer: click here.

You can borrow books for a long time during summer vacation.(2023/Jul/13)

Details: here.

Relaxation of infectious COVID-19 countermeasures.(2023/Jun/06)

After June 1st, the library will return to normal opening except for Sunday closing.

Donate used book with the "Because rainy season" donation campaign.(2023/Jun/06)

Charibon is running a campaign to add 500yen per case until June 30th.
Click here.

Response to COVID-19 transition to Category 5 infectious disease.(2023/May/09)

From May 8th, wearing a mask in the library will be an individual decision and remove the limit on the number of people. 

Suspension of use of some journals due to bookbinding work.(2023/May/02)

We will bind journals published in 2020.
Some journals will be suspended borrowing and viewing.

"ShimogamoKan" returns to nomal opening.(2023/May/01)

Relax COVID-19 restrictions.
"Shimogamo Kan" ’s limited business will lift from May 8th.
Click here.

UpToDate registration and briefing sessions will be held for KPUM.(2023/Apr/05)

Registration meeting : 13:00-16:00
                                 at Outpatient ward / Clinical education entrance
Briefing session : 17:00-17:30
                          at Conference room 8

Change special borrowing of books due to COVID-19 to regular borrowing.(2023/Apr/03)

The library has returned the borrowing conditions.
Five books in two weeks. Up to 5 DVD materials par week.

About taking online seminar at the library.(2023/Apr/03)

Clike here.

Donate used book with the "Start Giving" Campaign.(2023/Mar/03)

Charibon is running a campaigh to add 500yen per case until March 31st.
click here.

Special exhibition is being held.(2023/Feb/20)

" Learn by Pictures " exhibition now being.
Exhibition materials : click here. Flyer : click here.

Two canpaign are underway for used book donations.(2022/Dec/12)

10% will be added to the assessed value for each book .
100 yen will be added for each post on Twitter. Please tweet your support to KPUM library support project.
Dec 1st (Thu) - 25th (Sun). click here.

Reopen the study room.(2022/Nov/25)

While paying attention to COVID-19, we will resume the night extension  of the library 3rd reding room (study room).
〔Reopening date]2022/11/28(Mon)
[Open hours]Weekday night extension 21:00~23:00  Saturday night extension 18:00~23:00

Special exhibition is being held.(2022/Nov/07)

"Take a look at the grate seniors lecture notes !" exhibition now being held.
Flyer:click here.

"Recycling Day"used book donation campaingn.(2022/Oct/20)

A campaingn is being held on October 20th to 31th, where a donation of 530yen will be added for each application.

The wall of the library is under renovation(2022/Oct/03)

There will be noise, vibration and shading due to the construction the walls of the library.
Schedule 2022/9~2023/2

"Shimogamokan "will be temporarily closed.(2022/Aug/31)

"Shimogamokan" will be temporarily closed to organize the collection.
September 12th (Mon) to 16th (Fri).

Special exhibition is being held.(2022/Jul/15)

"Started for the first time" exhibition now being held.
Exhibition material :click here.

Resume use of the seminar room and AV room(2022/Jun/01)

Seminar rooms of seminar room and AV room can reserved and used.

About the problem of SFX holding information(2022/May/26)

There is a problem with the SFX holding information.
Please check OPAC with the GO button.

Moved old classification books(2022/May/26)

Old classification books will be moved to the storage for organizing.
If you wish to use it, please apply at the counter.

UpToDate Online Explanation Notice(2022/Mar/30)

UpToDate online information session will be held on the following dates.
4/19(Thu)17:00~ /4/20(Wed)18:00~ /5/23(Mon)18:00~ /Click here for details.
A password is required to open the pdf. Please contact the library(

We instailled a non-contact thermometer.(2022/Mar/22)

A non-contact thermometer was installed at the entrance.
Please measure the temperature before entering the library.

Saturday,March 26 the opening hours of the library will be changed.(2022/Mar/22)

Due to power outage, the opening hours on Saturday, March 26.
The library closes at 18:00 as useal.

Special exhibition is being held(2022/Jan/19)

"How to advance time" exhibition now being held. Exhibition materials:click here. Flyer:click here.

Notice of library system suspention.(2022/Jan/06)

Due to library system maintenance, the system will be stopped for January 12 9:00~17:30.
The survices to be stopped are OPAC and MyLibrary.

Suspension of use of some journals due to bookbinding work.(2021/Dec/10)

We will bind journals published in 2019. Some journals will be suspended borrowing and viewing. Schedule/Bookbinding list

Donate used book for "December Campaign"(2021/Dec/03)

From December 6th to 12Th, the purchase price will increase 500yen per cace. Click here.

Notice of library system suspention(2021/Nov/08)

Due to library system maintenance, the system will be stopped for the following times. Wednesday, Nov 10 9:00~17:30. The survices to be stopped are OPAC,My Library, and system lending and returning.

Special exhibition is being held(2021/Oct/26)

"Visualised novel" exhibition now being held. Exhibition materials : click here Flyer : click here

Extend the opening hours of the library.(2021/Oct/01)

Weekday library will open from 9:00 to 21:00 due to the cancellation of the state of emergency.

Library system suspention(2021/Sep/29)

The library system will be stopped for the following times.
October 13 9:00~17:30. OPAC and Mylibrary are unavailable during the time.

Measures to prevent COVID-19 infection to the issuance of a state of emergency(2021/Sep/13)

The library will be closed at 20:00 for August 23(Mon)~September10(Fri)30(Thu).

Donate used books for "the Summer Campaign"(2021/Sep/03)

Purchase price will increase  by 10% from September 1st to October 1st.

Measures to prevent COVIT-19 infection to the issuance of a state of emergency(2021/Aug/23)

The library will be closed at 20:00 for August 23(Mon)~September10(Fri).

Shimogamokan will be temporarily closed(2021/Aug/18)

Shimogamokan will be temporarily closed from Sep.6th (Mon.) to 10th (Fri.).

Admission is arailable for medical professionals and graduates(2021/Jul/15)

Medical professionals should bring an ID that identifies your affiliation.

Library System suspention(2021/Jul/07)

The library system will stop during the following times due to maintenance.July14(Wed.)9:00-17:00
Survices to be stopped are OPAC,My library.

Special exhibition is being held(2021/Jul/05)

"Have a enriching time with ebooks " exhibition now being held. Exhibition materials : click here  Poste: click here

Change of Library opening time(2021/Jun/21)

The Library open until 21:00 for the time being. Books and DVD materials can be borrowed for 4weeks/10 books.

How to enter and leave The Kyoto Institute,Library and Archives is closed.(2021/Jun/02)

The Kyoto Institute,Library and Archives will open from June 1st. After 17:00,the method of leaving the Shimogamokan will change.Please contact counter the Kyoto Prefectural University Library.

About measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection to the issuance of a state of emergency(2021/Jun/02)

The library will be closed at 20:00 for the following period. April 26th (Mon)-June 18th (Fry). The period may change depending on the situation.

About measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection to the issuance of a state of emergency(2021/May/11)

The library will be closed at 20:00 for the forrowing period. April 26th(Mon)ー May 31th (Mon) *The period may change depending on the situation.

(Extension) Measures to prevent the COVID-19 due to the issuance of a prefecture of emergency(2021/Feb/03)

The library will be closed at 20:00 for the following period.
<Shortened period> Jan18 (Mon) -Mar5 (Fri) 
* The period may change depending on the situation.
Please check the page below.

Suspension of use of some journals due to bookbinding work(2021/Jan/04)

We will bind journals published in 2018. Some journals will be suspended borrowing and viewing.  

Library service to associated with COVID-19 (2020/Nov/18)

The correspondance regarding COVID-19 at KPUM Libarary and Shimogamokan is posted onthe following pages respectively.

KPUM Library Support Project Secondhand book donation resumed(2020/Sep/17)

From Sep. 16th , we have resumed accepting applications for used book donations, which had been suspended, due to the COVID-19. Click here for details.

About the exhibition(2020/Jul/28)

The planned exhibition scheduled to be held from July 31 will be postponed due to the fact that the number of newly infected persons with COVID-19 in Kyoto Prefecture has reached the warning standard.
We will inform you of the future schedule on our website.

Correspondence of KPUM Library about COVID-19(2020/Jul/16)

Correspondence of KPUM Library about COVID-19(2020/Jun/19)

Correspondence of KPUM Library about COVID-19(2020/May/29)

Please check the page below.

About suspension of library system(2020/May/28)

Due to system maintenance work, the system will stop during the following times.
Suspension period : 2020/6/10 (Wed.) 10:00- *About 3 hours
We apologige for inconvenience.
The services to be stopped are OPAC, My Library, and system borrow/return.

Notice of Library closure(2020/Apr/15)

[ Extension Period ]
The library is temporarily closed to prevent the expansion of COVID-19.
[Closed period]4/16(Thu) - 5/6(Wed)    5/30(Sat)
We apologige for inconvenience.

Opening hours are reduced(2020/Apr/08)

The library opening hours will be shortened to prevent the expansion of COVID-19.→ Library closed from April 16.
 [Open hours] Weekdays 9:00-17:00
  The library is closed on nights, Saturdays and Sundays.
 [Persons who can enter the library] campus + library card holder
 [Period] from Thursday, April 9, 2020

Request to students(2020/Apr/03)

We suspend use of Seminar Room and AV Room to prevent spread of COVID-19.

Library self-study room closed at night and closed on Sundays(2020/Mar/27)

Library 3 Reading Room (self-study room) will be closed to prevent COVID-19 infection.
 [Closed period] 2020/3/7 (Sat.)- for the time being
 [Closed hours]  Weekday night 17: 00-23: 00
                        Saturday night 10: 00-23: 00
                        Sunday 10: 00 ~ 18: 00
【Open hours】during weekday daytime 9: 00-17: 00

Requests for off-campus users(2020/Mar/27)

Outsiders cannot enter the library to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.
 [Service suspension period] 2020/3/30 (Mon)-For the time being
 [Target person] Outsider (Person without library card)

Request from the library about COVID-19(2020/Mar/04)

When entering the library, users should disinfect your hands with the alcohol at the entrance and thoroughly wash your hands, and take measures to prevent infection by yourself. In addition, please use at intervals such as sitting one library seat.
 * If you have symptoms such as fever or cough, please do not enter.

Shimogamokan will be closed for system update and New Year's holiday(2019/Nov/01)

18 Dec 2019 -  4 Jan 2020
Details here

Temporary change of library service by system update(2019/Nov/01)

18 Dec 2019 -  4 Jan 2020
Details here (Service)
Details here (Schedule)

Handling of temporary closing of the library at the time of weather warning announcement.(2019/Aug/14)

If a Hazardous Wind Warning or Emergency Warning is announced in area including Kyoto
City due to the approach of a tropical cyclone, the library will be temporarily closed.
1. When a warning is announced during the library opening.
The library will close immediately.
2. When the warning was released.
・Before 7:00・・・Opens as usual.
・From 7:01 to 14:00・・・Opens 2 hours after the warning is released.
・After 14:01・・・Closes all day

Homepage renewed(2019/Mar/29)

Library HP renewed it and supported Mobile devices.

3rd reading room night time extension opening (2018/Sep/26)

On weekdays and Saturdays the 3rd reading room is extended night.(Limited to members of KPUM)
Opening hours Weekday 9:00-21:00 →extension 21:00-23:00
       Satureday 10:00-18:00→extension 18:00-23:00
※Please enter within the opening hours because you can not enter during the extended time.
Details here.

<Repository Kissei>H29 summaries of the doctorical dissertations and summary of examinations have been added.(2018/Aug/08)

We uploaded the summaries and examination result of the 2017 year PhD thesis to the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei ".

You can borrow books for a long time during summer vacation(2018/Jul/11)

Details here.

"Sleeping abc" exhibition in progress(2018/Jul/10)

Exhibit list: click here. Flyer: click here.

K-Libnet (Kyoto Library Integrated Catalog Network)(2018/Mar/26)

We will start inter library loan of the Kyoto Prefectural Library from April 1998.By using a cooperative car, you can order books such as the Kyoto Prefectural Public Library to the KPUM library for free.Clici here for details.

Please cooperate with Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Library for support donation(2018/Mar/16)

We will start donating money to support library and library materials in April 2018.The electronic journals which rises every year brings the crisis situation to continuing subscribe a materials.The donation system is aimed at overcoming this situation and providing journals in a stable manner.
For details, please see "Request for Donation"

"Deliciously eating"exhibition in progress(2018/Jan/17)

Flyer:click here  Exhibit:click here

Recommendation for student books for 2017(2017/Nov/08)

Details and answer sheets are here.

"Reading medicine in Manga" exhibition in progress(2017/Oct/24)

Exhibit:click here, Flyer:click here

Announcement of the bookbinding work(2017/Oct/13)

You can not use a part of the magazine issued in 2016 for bookbinding.Some magazines will be the borrowing and stopped reading.
, titles(Japanese, English)

We will open the 3rd reading room until 23:00(2017/Aug/31)

From September 1, we will open the 3rd reading room on the 2nd floor of the library as a study room until 23:00. (※ Only University faculty and staff, students)
· Other reading rooms are closed as usual at 21:00 on weekdays and at 18:00 on Saturdays.
· You can not enter the room from closed time. Leaving room is available.
Because of trial, it may stop depending on various problems such as rule violation and theft. Please understand and cooperate in compliance.

You can borrow a book for a long time in summer vacation(2017/Jul/14)

Details from here.

"Small creatures" exhibition in progress(2017/Jul/04)

Exhibit list: click here
Flyer: click here

<Repository Kissei> H27 summaries of doctoral dissertations and summary of examinations have been added!(2017/Feb/24)

We uploaded the summaries and examination result of the H27 year PhD thesis to the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei ".

"People who supported the disaster site" Exhibition held in(2017/Feb/14)

12/16 (Fri) Presentation skill up lecture held(2016/Nov/28)

We will have a special lecturer and introduce presentation technique and training method.
Presentation skill up lecture
~ Train the "ability to tell" modeled by the best presentation in the world!
2016/12/16 (Fri) 18: 00-19: 00 <No application required>
at Library AV Room
Instructor Mr. Shun Kobayashi (ProQuest Japan Branch Office)

KPUM Library Support Project "FURUHON BOKIN"(2016/Nov/24)

"Secondhand book 20% UP purchase & postage postcard donation campaign"
We are recruiting donations using old books that have been read.
Written postcards are also eligible for purchase.
・During the two months from December to January.
・A government-made postcard which has been damaged is donated by 50 yen per piece.

Update history of attached library(2016/Nov/22)

We added Recent events on Library General Information> History 
Please look at the history of the last few years, such as starting a new service.

"Old book" and "Digital archive" Exhibition, held in(2016/Oct/25)

Announcement of the bookbinding work.(2016/Oct/14)

You can not use the part of the 2015 issue magazine for binding work.For, some magazines will be the lending and viewing stop.

floor map update(2016/Oct/07)

It renewed the floor map.Learn from the library General Information> floor map.
Number of seats and reservation method of each room, we have provided a link to the application form.

You can see the vacancy information(2016/Aug/31)

You can check availability for library facilities on the web.
・Library hall
・Conference room
Please access from  Library General Information> vacancy information 
Tentative reservation does not reflect.
If you want to book, please subscribe to the library counter.

Exhibitions (theme: Restaurant original book) held in(2016/Jul/19)

Flyer from here. Exhibition book list from here.

You can use AV room(2016/Jul/13)

To resume the AV room from July 14.Book of AV room can be up to the next month.

You can not use AV Room(2016/Jun/22)

You can not use the room until early July for the librarie's renovation.Sorry over the inconvenience

Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2016/Jun/15)

Details from here.

List of magazines and databases that are subscribed at the library(2016/May/26)

Click here for details (Campus's only)

KPUM Library Support Project "FURUHON BOKIN"(2016/Apr/13)

We estabrished the collection box.Collection sites MAP

"assessment UP campaign of spring! (April-May)"
Two months(April-May) has been implementing the "assessment UP campaign of spring!"The donation amount is assessed at 20% up.Please provide your books on occasion.
 Click here for details.

"A workshop of the literature information management software EndNote Basic and EndNote product version" to be held(2016/Mar/18)

Welcomed professional instructors, a workshop will be held the literature information management software EndNote Basic and EndNote product version.
Date&Time: April 19, 2016(Tue) 18:00 - 20:00
Venue: Information Science Practice Room, Basement Floor of Nursing Department
No application required

"KPUM Library Support Project FURUHON BOKIN" start(2016/Mar/02)

We started "KPUM Library Support Project FURUHON BOKIN".
This project is that the valuation of such as books and DVDs of personal belongings which you sell for a predetermined method are donated for the university as "library support donation".

Temporary suspension of repository(2016/Jan/12)

Repository "Kissei" will temporarily stop the service due to the update work of the system.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] January 12, 2016 (Tue) all day

Progect Display (theme: Diet to feed the brain) now opens(2016/Jan/06)

See a flier from here.
See the list of displayed literature from here.

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine institutional repository "Kissei" was launched(2016/Jan/04)

From January 2016, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine institutional repository "Kissei" has launched to the public. Access is here.

Temporary suspension of OPACsystem(2015/Dec/08)

OPACsystem will temporarily stop the service.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would appreciated.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] Dec 28(Mon),2015  09:00-17:00
 Please use the Mecke (integrated search).

About of the NDL Digital Collections service(2015/Nov/25)

We started the NDL Digital Collections service.

Invitation to lecture meeting for Kyoto prefectural residents(2015/Nov/10)

"Diabetes and dementia seen from the living habits."
click, here

About of Mecke service(2015/Nov/02)

We started pre-service of Mecke.

Part of 2014 journals to be unavailable due to book binding operation(2015/Oct/09)

We will bind individual journals issued mainly in 2014 (including some journals issued in the other years, too) to books. Therefore a part of the journals will temporarily be unavailable for checking out or reading. Schedule / Japanese / English

Your unnecessary books most welcome! Reuse market to open!(2015/Sep/14)

Toward "Books Reuse Market" that will hold from October 27 (Mon), we would like to invite you to donate some of your unnecessary books to us. For details, click here. Access a flier from here.

Books recommended to be purchased for students in fiscal 2015(2015/Sep/02)

The details of request and answer sheet can be downloaded from here.

Temporary suspension of OPACsystem(2015/Aug/31)

OPACsystem will temporarily stop the service.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would appreciated.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] Aug 31(Mon),2015  09:00-10:00

Progect Display (theme: Medicine to support the sport) now opens(2015/Aug/01)

See a flier from here.
See the list of displayed literature from here.

Questionnaire survey on journals to be purchased by this library in 2016 and survey on journals currently held by the classrooms in 2015(2015/Jul/17)

For details or answer sheets, download from here.

Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2015/Jul/15)

Details from here.

Journals and databases purchased by KPUM Library in 2015(2015/Jun/03)

Click here for details.  (campus limited)

Progect Display (theme: The books of professors) now opens(2015/Jun/01)

See a flier from here.
See the list of displayed literature from here.

Temporary suspension of Library services(2015/Mar/10)

We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated. 
Suspension period: from March 23(Mon) , until 29(Sun) ,2015

Project Display(To increase a healthy life span.) now opens(2015/Feb/04)

See a flier from here. See the list of displayed literature from here.

Part of 2013 journals to be unavailable due to book binding operation(2015/Jan/20)

We will bind individual journals issued mainly in 2013 (including some journals issued in the other years, too) to books. Therefore a part of the journals will temporarily be unavailable for checking out or reading. Schedule Japanese / English

Invitation to lecture meeting for Kyoto prefectural residents(2014/Dec/03)

"To increase a healthy life span."
click, here

Temporary suspension of Library services(2014/Nov/26)

We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated. 
Suspension period: from November 27(Thu) ,2014 until January 4(Sun) ,2015

Temporary closing of KPUM library(2014/Nov/26)

We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.
Schedule of closing: from December 22(Mon.) to  24(Wed),2014

Your unnecessary books most welcome! Reuse market to open!(2014/Oct/18)

oward "Books Reuse Market" that this library will hold from October 27 (Mon), we would like to invite you to donate some of your unnecessary books to us. For details, click here. Access a flier from here.

Books recommended to be purchased for students in fiscal 2014(2014/Sep/10)

The details of request and answer sheet can be downloaded from here.

Progect Display (Goodbye Hanazono Campus) now opens(2014/Aug/01)

See a flier from here.
See the list of displayed literature from here.

Journals and databases purchased by KPUM Library in 2014(2014/Jul/11)

Click here for details.

Questionnaire survey on journals to be purchased by this library in 2015 and survey on journals currently held by the classrooms in 2014(2014/Jul/11)

For details or answer sheets, download from here.

Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2014/Jul/11)

Details from here.

Progect Display (theme: the small books collection) now opens(2014/May/01)

See a flier from here.
See the list of displayed literature from here.

Project Display (Theme: Attention! Preventive Medicine) now opens(2013/Dec/02)

See a flier from here. See the list of displayed literature from here.

EndNote introductory seminar to be held (2013/Nov/21)

Date & time: December 12 (Thu)  18:00~19:00
Place: AV room of KPUM library
Intended participants: KPUM affiliates (EndNote beginners)
Instructor: Mr. Go Hashimoto, Usaco, Osaka
Application: No prior application required

Invitation to lecture meeting for Kyoto prefectural residents "Aiming to prevent stomach and colon cancer - by both cancer screening and regular life style!"(2013/Oct/25)

Click here for details.

Invitation for general competitive bidding (digital archive construction and related works of literature held by Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Library)(2013/Oct/09)

We invite to the captioned general competitive bidding. See details from here.

Your unnecessary books most welcome! Reuse market to open!(2013/Sep/25)

Toward "Books Reuse Market" that this library will hold from October 21 (Mon), we would like to invite you to donate some of your unnecessary books to us. For details, click here. Access a flier from here.

Books recommended to be purchased for students in fiscal 2013(2013/Aug/30)

The details of request and answer sheet can be downloaded from here.

Project Display(Theme: This book is hot!) now opens(2013/Aug/01)

See a flier from here. See the list of displayed literature from here.

Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2013/Jul/08)

Details from here.

Part of 2012 journals to be unavailable due to book binding operation(2013/Jul/04)

This library will bind individual journals issued mainly in 2012 (including some journals issued in the other years, too) to books. Therefore a part of the journals will temporarily be unavailable for checking out or reading. Details from here.

Questionnaire survey on journals to be purchased by this library in 2014 and survey on journals currently held by the classrooms in 2013(2013/Jul/04)

For details or answer sheets, download from here.

Project Display(Theme: Books showing with attractive illustrations) now opens(2013/Jun/03)

See a flier from here. See the list of displayed literature from here.

Journals and databases purchased by KPUM Library in 2013(2013/May/10)

Click here for details.

Temporary suspension of Library services due to blackout(2013/Mar/15)

This library's On-Line Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) search and web services will be suspended due to electric power interruption.We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated. 
Suspension period: from March 16(Sat) around PM18:00 until March 18(Mon) around AM9:00

Temporary closing of KPUM library(2013/Mar/08)

This library will temporarily close to renovate the floor of its reading rooms and upgrade the audio visual equipment of its AV Room as follows. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated. Schedule of closing: from March 22(Fri) to March 25(Mon),2013

Temporary closing of KPUM library(2013/Feb/26)

This library will temporarily close to renovate the floor of its reading rooms and upgrade the audio visual equipment of its AV Room as follows. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.
Schedule of closing: 4 days within the period from March 22(Fri) through March 29(Fri),2013
* Final decision will be made early March.

Project Display "Dedicating to 20th Anniversary Year, My lifetime companion - book to keep over a lifetime" to be held from January 22 through February 12(2013/Jan/10)

For details, click here.

Project Display (Theme: Encouragement of brain healthy life) now opens(2012/Dec/03)

See the flier and display scenes from here. See the list of displayed literature from here.

KPUM electronic guidebook commemorating 140th anniversary year uploaded(2012/Nov/28)

In commemoration of the 140th year since the foundation, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine produced a guidebook and posted its electronic version on the website. See details from here. You can also watch a KPUM guide movie that was made along with the book. 

Patients' Library Hohoemi opened on November 21!(2012/Nov/22)

On the 3rd floor of KPUM hospital, "Hohoemi", a library for patients, was newly opened and started its service on November 21(Wed). "Hohoemi" library is a part of the hospital's facilities and operated by volunteers. KPUM library cooperated to help open the new library. It aimes to become a library that is loved by all the users with its holdings of around 1500 books. See details from here.

[Temporary suspension of this library's network services](2012/Nov/13)

Due to the maintenance work of networking equipment, this library's "Online Public Access Catalogue"(OPAC) and Web Service will stop temporarily. The Internet connection from this library will simultaneously be suspended.
Scheduled suspension period: November 14(Wed) from 17:00 to 18:00 (around 1 hour)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

Your unused books most welcome as Reuse Market growing popular(2012/Oct/25)

We are continually expecting the donation of unused books from KPUM staff and students, because "Books Reuse Market" has been popular since its opening on October 23 (Tue).
* Donation period: until October 31 (Wed), 2012
* Donation requirements: (1) unused books (2) all categories welcome (3) no handwritten insertions

Applications now taken for lecture meeting for Kyotoites "Aging and brain's health - to live a vivid and young life for long"(2012/Oct/19)

Click here for details

Events commemorating 20th anniversary year of KPUM Library and Joint Lecture Building(2012/Oct/19)

Access a related home page from here. Click here for a flier.

Your unnecessary books most welcome! Reuse market to open(2012/Sep/27)

Toward "Books Reuse Market" that this library will hold from October 23 (Tue), we would like to invite you to donate some of your unnecessary books to us. For details, click here. Access a flier from here.

Books recommended to be purchased for students in fiscal 2012(2012/Aug/30)

The details of request and answer sheet can be downloaded from here.

Lists of Research Labs' Holdings (Journals) updated to FY2012 version(2012/Aug/22)

Research Labs' journals:  Western Japanese

Temporary closure and maintenance operation during summer vacation(2012/Jul/12)

*Temporary closing of this library: August 25(Sat)
*Renewal operation of Entrance/Departure system: August 25(Sat) to 27 (Mon)
This library will be closed temporarily on August 25(Sat) and regularly on August 26(Sun). On August 27(Mon), it will regularly be opened, but the renewal operation will still continue.
*Operation to replace electrically-driven stacks' base: August 6(Mon) to 8(Wed)
During the operation, you may not be able to access some literature, because a part of electrically-driven stacks(low layer) will stop. We regret any incovenience this may cause, and solicit your understanding and cooperation.

Part of 2011 journals to be unavailable due to book binding operation(2012/Jul/04)

This library will bind individual journals issued mainly in 2011 (including some journals issued in the other years) to books. Therefore a part of the journals will temporarily be unavailable for checking out or reading. Details from here.

Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2012/Jul/04)

Details from here.

Questionnaire survey on journals to be purchased in 2013 and survey on journals currently held by the classrooms in 2012(2012/Jul/02)

For details or answer sheets, download from here.

KPUM LAN to stop temporarily due system maintenance(2012/Jun/27)

During the following period, the internet service on campus will not be available. Please be careful that you will not be able to access this library's website, databases, and electronic journals.
Maintenance schedule: July 1 (Sun), from AM1:00 (1 hour after midnight) to AM6:00 (early morning)
We regret any incovenience this may cause, and solicit your understanding and cooperation.

New Project Display (Theme:Take a look! Volumes of lectures by our great seniors) now opens(2012/Jun/01)

See the flier from here. See the list of displayed literature from here.

Relocation of 2011 journals(May 8,2012)(2012/May/08)

Journals issued in 2011 and now stacked in the pigion boxes on the first floor will be moved to the fixed bookshelves.
* Work day & time: May 14, 2012, 10:00 - 17:00
It may be hard sometimes to find the location of materials during the period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and solicit your understanding and cooperation.

Selection of journals and databases to be purchased in 2012(2012/Mar/15)

New!! Project Display (Theme:Gazing at the human body) now opened(2012/Jan/27)

New!! Project Display (Theme:Gazing at the human body) now opened
View displayed books from here (Select by category)

Distributed materials at EndNote Seminar uploaded(2012/Jan/25)

Electronic Resources Seminar(2012/Jan/25)

Explanation of electronic journals and databases available for use at KPUM will be given from basics.
Date&Time: February 24 (Fri), 2012, 18:00-19:00 
Venue: AV Room of this library
Content: Electronic Resources Seminar
Prior Application: not required 
* If you bring your notebook PC, you can search together with an instructor.( Number of wired connections is limited) You can understand the content by the explanation alone without your PC.

Renewal of Latest Nursing Index Web(2012/Jan/18)

IchushiLinkService will be introduced. This will make access to full-text data easier, including electronic version of Japanese Nursing Association's Collection of Papers (electronic version). The operation is scheduled to start in February 2012. For details, access the following URL.

Domestic journals discontinued or suspended in 2012(2012/Jan/18)

Discontinued in 2012 - Geka Chiryou, Sougou Rinshou, EB Nursing
Sales Suspended - Nihon Kango Gakkai Ronbunshuu fiscal 2011(The 42nd)

EndNote Seminar to be held!(2012/Jan/05)

Date and Time: January 19 (Thu), 2012, 18:00 -19:00
Venue: AV Room of this library
Instructor: Mr. Go Hashimoto, Usaco 
No prior application required

Temporary suspension of Library services due to blackout(2011/Dec/19)

This library's On-Line Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) search and web services will be suspended due to electric power interruption.We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated. 
Suspension period: from December 22 (Thu) 17:00 until December 24 (Sat) 10:00

Order of literature photocopies placed to outside KPUM at the year-end and new-year period(2011/Dec/06)

If an order is placed for photocopies of literature to libraries outside KPUM on or after December 15 (Thu), cases may occur where ordered copies do not arrive by the year-end due to the situation at counterpart libraries, which please note in advance.

PubMed Seminar to be held!(2011/Dec/06)

Explanations will be given on how to use PubMed from basics to application.
Date and Time: December 16 (Fri), 2011, 18:00 -19:00
Venue: AV Room of this library
Content: How to use PubMed
No prior application required

CINAHL workshop to be held(2011/Sep/15)

Date&Time: September 28, 2011(Wed) 17:00 - 18:00
Venue: Information Science Practice Room, Basement Floor of Nursing Department
Instructor: Mr. Mitsuaki Ohno, EBSCO *No application required

New!! Project Display (Theme:Brain and Environment) now opened(2011/Sep/01)

New!! Project Display (Theme:Brain and Environment) now opened (September 1, 2011)
View displayed books from here (Select by category)

[You can access electronic contents this library purchases from your home (KPUM internal only!)](2011/Sep/01)

It is our principle that electronic contents this library purchases be accessed inside KPUM premises only. Take note they are accessible via VPN(Virtual Private Network) from outside KPUM premises. For details click here.
However some of the electronic contents do not allow VPN access by contractual restrictions. Use the suitable contents referring to the notes specified on the table showing the accessibility of each content. 
Contact on electronic contents: KPUM Library (
Contact on VPN connection: Computer Office (

Lists of Research Labs' Holdings (Journals) are updated to FY2011 version(2011/Aug/31)

Research Labs' journals: Western Japanese

[Kyoto Prefectural Library and KPUM Library to hold Lecture Meeting for Kyotoites](2011/Aug/23)

As a joint initiative by this library and Kyoto Prefectural Library, a lecture meeting targeting Kyoto Prefecture residents will be held with KPUM Library Director Shinji Fushiki as a lecturer. 
Title: "To protect children's brains - what kind of impact do environmental chemicals have on them?" 
Date & Time: September 11(Sun), 2011, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Venue: Kyoto Prefectural Library (Not KPUM Library. Be careful), Multimedia Room on the 3rd floor
Maximum attendance of 80 people: A prior application is required. This library accepts applications.
For details, access from the following link. 

Flier of the lecture meeting held on September 11

Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2011/Jul/14)

Part of 2010 journals to be unavailable due to book binding operation(2011/Jul/13)

Questionnaire survey on journals to be purchased in 2012 and survey on journals currently held by the classrooms(2011/Jul/07)

For details or answer sheets, download from here.

New!! Project Display (Theme:Emotional Healing) now opened(2011/Jul/01)

New!! Project Display (Theme:Emotional Healing) now opened
View displayed books from here (Select by category)

Reduction of printed and electronic journal titles (LWW) this library to purchase in 2012 and related questionnaire survey(2011/Jun/10)

Regarding the announcement dated June 10 that we distributed in the classrooms and the related questionnaire survey, answer sheets and relevant information can be downloaded from here. For the content, click here.

DynaMed Seminar to be held! (May 31, 2011)(2011/May/31)

Date and Time: June 22 (Wed), 2011, 18:00 -19:00
Venue: AV Room of this library
No prior application required

Temporary suspension of Library services due to system work(2011/Apr/19)

This library's On-Line Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) search and web services will be suspended due to system work.
Suspension period: from April 25 (Mon) 16:00 until April 26 (Tue) 12:00

Alteration in checkout period and number for audio visual software(2011/Apr/12)

Effective from this fiscal year, video cassette and DVD etc. are defined as audio visual software and can be checked out for 1 week. Please use them.

Free and open information for medical support after 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake(2011/Mar/23)

Free and open information for medical support after 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake(2011/Mar/19)

Selection and order placement of journals to be purchased in 2011(2011/Mar/09)

Video Room to be upgraded(2011/Mar/08)

You cannot use the Video Room due to upgrading work for the following period. Some amount of noise is expected. We apologize for the inconvenience and solicit your cooperation.
Work Period: March 22 (Tue) to 23 (Wed), April 4 (Mon) to 5 (Tue)

Temporary suspension of Library services due to electric power interruption(2011/Mar/08)

This library's On-Line Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) search and web services will be suspended due to electric power interruption. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind cooperation is much appreciated. 
Suspension period: from March 20(Sun) 10:00 until March 22(Tue) 9:00

Internet connection to be suspended due to network maintenance work(2011/Feb/16)

The Internet connection accessed from the three KPUM campuses (Kawaramachi,Hironokoji,Hanazono) will be suspended due to the maintenance work of Kyoto Digital Canal Network. Please be careful that the websites of KPUM and KPUM Library will not be available for service including the contracted databases and electronic journals. In case of an access from outside KPUM, this Library's "Online Public Access Catalogue"(OPAC) and Web Service will also stop temporarily. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
Suspension Period: February 21 (Mon), 2011, from 13:00 to 16:00

PubMed Seminar to be held!(2011/Feb/04)

Date and Time: February 18 (Fri), 2011, 18:00 -19:00
Venue: AV Room of this library
No prior application required

Information Search Room to be unavailable temporarily(2011/Jan/18)

Information Search Room will not be available during the period specified below, because of being occupied by the lessen entitled "How to use the library" for the second graders of School of Medicine. Please be careful.
◇January 19 (Wed), 2011, 11:20-12:00, 13:40-14:20

KPUM joins libraries' common access system of The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto(2011/Jan/06)

The captioned system enables to use the materials owned by member universities and junior colleges with the presentation of ID card. Start Using them, referring to the list of member universities and confirming procedures and contents in advance.
Guidance on Libraries' Common Usage System
 List of member universities and junior colleges