

Materials Order

Order of Materials (Outside KPUM)

This service, on a chargeable basis and limited to KPUM affiliates, enables users to borrow materials that KPUM Library does not hold, or to get photocopies of a part of such materials from other university libraries, etc.

◎ Photocopying Materials

If you cannot find necessary materials in this library, you can get the photocopies from other university libraries, etc.


In Japan

Usually, 35 to 55 yen per sheet× number of sheet(s) + postage + bank transfer fee
In addition to the above, a basic charge may be added.

About 1,300 to 2,400 yen per application

◆Number of Days Required

In Japan
Usually, within 1 week (It may take more time depending on conditions on the part of postal services and counterpart libraries)
Usually about 2 weeks


There are restrictions by copyright laws.

◎ Borrowing Materials

If you cannot find necessary materials in this library, you can borrow them from other university libraries, etc.


round-trip postage (parcel of books, recorded delivery) + bank transfer fee
In addition to the aforementioned costs, an application of basic charge can cause some extra charge.

◆Period for borrowing

About 1 to 3 weeks (subject to rules of outside libraries)


Journals are not available for borrowing.

Furthermore, borrowing is subject to the rules and special conditions (rare books, etc.) of outside libraries .(There may be cases where borrowing is impossible.)


◎How to apply

Application is accepted at the circulation counter of this library, or at Library Web Service (OutlineLogin).
Please take note that in principle cancellation is not possible, once an application is accepted.
There may be cases where we may not be able to borrow the materials due to outside libraries' situation such as "the magazines being bound", or "books being checked out", etc.

◆Bibliographic Information Necessary to apply

Indispensable Items
Journal title and volume (number also, if available)
Publication year
Start page, end page
Author's name
(In case of three or more authors, write the first one author followed by "and others" or "etc. ")

If above items are not available, find them out by PubMed"ICHUSHI WEB" an so forth, and then apply.



◎How to receive

After the materials arrive, receive them at the circulation counter in exchange for cash payment.


◎Payment by Research Lab's expense account (starting from April 2012)

When receiving photocopies of materials (or books or journals themselves in case of borrowing materials), please let us know that the expense should be charged to Research Lab's expense account. In this case, this library does not receive cash and will later charge the amount to Research Lab's expense account.

The payment by Research Lab's expense account is subject to Research Lab's approval. If it is revealed that the payment cannot be made by Research Lab's expense, please pay cash to this library.

*Please understand that the payment will not be refunded once it is made by cash..