【Springer Protocols】 now on free trial(2014/Dec/13)
Protocol collection, to cover the experimental field of life science.click, here
Invitation to lecture meeting for Kyoto prefectural residents(2014/Dec/03)
"To increase a healthy life span."click, here
Temporary closing of KPUM library(2014/Nov/26)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.Schedule of closing: from December 22(Mon.) to 24(Wed),2014
Temporary suspension of Library services(2014/Nov/26)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.
Suspension period: from November 27(Thu) ,2014 until January 4(Sun) ,2015click.here
【Future Science Group】 now on free trial(2014/Nov/10)
you can access 35 magazines ,incloding 「Future」series.access. Future science collection.Trial period;Until February 1, 2015
【BENTHAM Journals】 now on free trial(2014/Nov/10)
you can access 120 journals (medicine, pharmacology, social science ), including 「Current Pharm Biotech」access, title list : hereTrial period ; Until January 31, 2015
【Medical Online Ebook Library】 now on free trial(2014/Oct/29)
You can access Japanese books titles of more than 1500(Medicine, Nursing Science, Nutrition.)Title list: here.Access: Medical Online. from tab of Ebooks.
Your unnecessary books most welcome! Reuse market to open!(2014/Oct/18)
3 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2014/Oct/18)
We uploaded this time 3 new titles including "idan" Do take a look.We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.
Books recommended to be purchased for students in fiscal 2014(2014/Sep/10)
The details of request and answer sheet can be downloaded from here.
Latest version of Impact Factor released(2014/Aug/08)
2013 version of JCR(Journal Citation Reports)has been released. With this, the latest Impact Factor represents 2013 data.Access: here
Progect Display (Goodbye Hanazono Campus) now opens(2014/Aug/01)
Two volumes newly added to Old Medical Books Collection of Nisuke Matsumoto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science!(2014/Jul/29)
Journals and databases purchased by KPUM Library in 2014(2014/Jul/11)
Questionnaire survey on journals to be purchased by this library in 2015 and survey on journals currently held by the classrooms in 2014(2014/Jul/11)
Check-out period of books extended during summer vacation(2014/Jul/11)
【Merck Index Online 15th】 Now on free trial(2014/May/02)
◆Access: here
◆Trial period: 2014/6/30
【Mary Ann Libert】 Now on free trial(2014/May/02)
You can access 70 medical journals including "Tissue Engineering".
Title List & Access: Click here.
Trial Period: Until July 31
【Thieme Journal】 Now on free trial(2014/May/02)
You can access 33 medical journals including "J Reconstructive Microsurg".
Title List & Access: Click here.
Trial Period: Until July 31
Progect Display (theme: the small books collection) now opens(2014/May/01)
See a flier from here.See the list of displayed literature from here.
【Thieme Clinical Collection】 New arrival of electronic books(2014/Mar/14)
We purchased 30 titles e-books published by Thieme in 2012
【ebrary doody's Springer】New arrival of electronic books(2014/Mar/10)
We purchased 80 titles e-books published by Springer in 2011-2013
【Thieme eNeurosurgery】 Now on free trial (2014/Feb/19)
The trial of this time is going on with electronic resources that
cover neurosurgical areas comprehensively. Operational procedures,
electronic books, electronic journals, images and videos
are provided.
◆Access: http://eneurosurgery.thieme.com
◆Trial period: 2014/4/30
[WILEY Online Library] New arrival of electronic books(2014/Jan/20)
We newly purchased the Wiley's 100 bestseller electronic books for medicine and health sciences.
* Details of titles www.wiley.co.jp/electronic/healthsci_top100_201306.xls
A search hits the target contents from the search window for electronic journals and electronic books.