

Electronic Data

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2025/Jan/09)

"Kaitai Hatsumou" is now available for digital archives.

"Radiology"journal suspends access again.(2024/Dec/27)

Radiological of Society of North America(RSNA) has informed us they have detected logs of large-scale downloads and have suspended access to the site.
There were 25 downloads between 7:55:44 and 7:56:11 on December 10th.
This action is prohibited.
If you have any information, please contact the library.
Please check that your browser's link pre-reading  function is disabled.


127 titles of Japanese ejournals are being trial for limited time.
Access: click here.(on campus only)
Trial period:Oct.10

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2024/Mar/27)

"Kosei Houyogei" is now available for digital archives.

[Repository]Announcement of data release.(2024/Mar/27)

The following information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
Kyoto University of Medicine Hospital Nursing Research Collection 2022(2024).

[Repository]Announcement of data release.(2024/Mar/27)

The follwing information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
Studia humana et naturalia vol.57(2023).

[Repository]Announcement of data release.(2024/Jan/11)

The following information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
Bulletin of Department of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine vol.33(2023).

[Repository] Announcement of data release.(2024/Jan/09)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repositoryn "Kissei". 
Collection of research papers from the Department of Nursing,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.2018-2021(2023).

[Repository] Announcement of data release.(2023/Aug/25)

The following information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
2022 Doctoral Dissertation Summary and Review.

Added to valuable book full-text archive.(2023/Jul/13)

University authorization 100th of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Anniversary Commemorative book is now available for degital archives.

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2023/Jun/27)

"Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 150th Anniversary Commemorative book" is now available for degital archives.

[Repository]Announcement of data release.(2023/Jun/16)

The following information has been released on "Kissei" repository.
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 140th Anniversary introduction booklet.

[Repository]Announcement of data release.(2023/Jun/13)

The following information has been released on "Kissei" repository.
University authorization 100th of Anniversary Commemorative book and "The KPUM TIMES" vol.7,vol10.

[Repository]Announcement of data release.(2023/Jun/06)

The following information has been released on ”Kissei” repository.
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 150th Anniversary Commemorative book.

[Repository] Temporarily suspend data provision(2023/May/31)

Access to the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei" will be suspended from August 3rd to 6th.

Access to "Medical Online" from off-campus has resumed.(2023/Mar/28)

"Medical Online" is now accessible from off-campus.
Please be careful about unauthorized access.

The e-journal "Resident Note" cannot be accessed from off-campus(2023/Mar/22)

We can't access "Medical Online" from off-campus.
Due to unauthorized access to the e-journal "Resident Note".

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2023/Feb/08)

"Naika Hiroku" is now available for degital archives.

[Repository] Announcement of data release.(2023/Feb/06)

The following information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
Studia humana et naturalia Vol.56 (2022).

[Repository] Announcement of data release.(2023/Jan/13)

The following information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
Bulletin of Department of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine vol.32 (2022).

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2022/Dec/21)

"Jutei Kaitai Shinsho” and "Kyukojigi" are now available for digital archives.

〔Repository〕Announcement of data release.(2022/Nov/25)

The following information has been released on the "Kissei" Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository.
2021 Doctoral Dissertation Summary and Review.

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2022/Aug/02)

"Jumon Jishin""Seiyakushiki""Kakke Ron" and "Rekidai Meii Denryaku" are now available for digital archives.

[Repository] Announcement of date release(2022/Mar/22)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei".
Catalog of Old Medical Books of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.

[ Repository ]Announcement of date release(2022/Feb/18)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei".
Studia humana et naturalia No.55.

[Repository] Announcement of data release(2022/Feb/10)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei".
Journal of North Medical Center, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Vol.7.

〔Repository〕Announcement of data release(2022/Jan/25)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei".
Bulletin of the Depertment of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine No.31(2021).

〔Repository〕The university history data release(2022/Jan/19)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei".
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 80 Years History, 100 Years History, 125 Years History and 135 Years History.

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2021/Dec/08)

"Shougaku""Byori Kakuron" and "Ryumachisu Sinron" are now available for digital archives.

[ Repository ]Announcement of date release(2021/Nov/02)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository "Kissei".
2020 Doctoral Dissertation Summary and Review.

Added to the valuable book full-text archive.(2021/Aug/18)

"Jutei Kaitai Sinsho Dohanzu""Chukei Zensho" and "Geka Shinron" are now available for digital archives.

UpToDate can be used from off-campus(2021/May/10)

UpToDate Anywhere  started on May 1st. If you register an account, you can access it from off-campus or use it offline. Click here for details.

Introduced "Current Decision Support"(2021/Apr/20)

We have introduced the next-generation medical care manual "Current Decision Support" by 2000 Japanese doctors. Seaching by keywords will provide prescription examples, evidence information, diagnostic algorithm diagrams, etc.

[Repository] "Studia humana et naturalia"Data disclosure(2021/Jan/28)

The following full text has been released at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine repository Kissei.
"Studia humana et naturalia" No. 54 (2020)

Fast Facts book series now available(2021/Jan/04)

From Jan 2021, the entire series of Calger's e-books "Fast Facts" has been available to institutions.After accessing each title, click [You already have online access to this title] to download. 

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2020/Dec/05)

We uploaded old book "Igaku Shouden""Meii Zaccho" newly. Please see from Digital Archive.

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2020/Aug/28)

We uploaded old book "Fushi Keiken Ikun" newly.Please see from Digital Archive.

[Repository] Announcement of data release(2020/Jul/28)

The following information has been released on the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Repository Kissei.
2019 Doctoral Dissertation Summary and Review Summary.

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2020/Mar/24)

We uploaded 5 old books "Gibusu Houtaisho""Goutou Shichisho""Seimikyoku Hikkei""Soui Shinsetsu" and "Shoukan Rikusho" newly.Please see from Digital Archive.

Website about COVID-19(2020/Feb/20)

To support rescue operations around COVID-19, publishers and academic societies have opened special websites for a limited time. These sites are summarized in COVID-19 related information. The latest evidence is constantly updated, so please check it.

Repository data disclosure(2020/Jan/08)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin  was released.
 ◆Bulletin of School of Nursing Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 2019

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2019/Dec/10)

We started offering books "Ransetsu benwaku""Ihanteikou""Ihanteikou naizoudouhanzu""Ihou meikan" and "Seii Konnichihou" newly.

Repository data Uploaded(2019/Oct/16)

We uploaded the summaries and examination result of the 2018 PhD thesis to the KPUM repository "Kissei " .

Repository data disclosure(2019/Jul/18)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin  was released.
 ◆Journal of North Medical Center Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Vol.5(2019)

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2019/Jul/08)

We started offering books "Kirigami""Shoukanron Syuugi""Baryou Hidenshou""Youjyuin Isoku" and "Igaku shinanhen" newly. Please check  "Rare Books Full Text Archive" out for details

Impact factors etc updated(2019/Jun/27)

★Journal Impact Factor(Clarivate Analytics)
The latest version of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) has been released, and the Journal Impact Factor values ​​have been updated. See here for the detail.
Scopus CiteScore
has been updated. See here for details such as calculation method.

Repository data disclosure(2019/Jun/11)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin  was released.  
『Studia humana et naturalia』№.52(2018)

Repository data disclosure(2019/Apr/22)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin  was released.
 ◆Research Papers Collection : Department of Nursing-University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicinel 2017

Repository data disclosure(2019/Mar/20)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin  was released.
 ◆Bulletin of School of Nursing Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 2018

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2018/Nov/12)

We started offering books "Shinmyaku Kuden-syuu""Onneki-ron" and "Gekahakki" newly.

<Digital Archive>Add to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2018/Jul/26)

We started offering books "Honzou Keimou Meiso" and "Bokushi Yakuron" newly.

Update Impact Factor(2018/Jun/29)

The latest version of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) was released, and the impact factor value was updated. The interface has also been redesigned. The new interface displays noteworthy papers, countries, institutions, etc. that are increasing the impact factor. New features and usage (PDF)

[Taylor & Francis] back file offer(2018/Jun/21)

Taylor & Francis' science and engineering collection was provided by the National Institute of Informatics and linked from our university.
· Until 1996
· 3 fields (chemistry, physics, mathematics/statistics) 124 journals. title list

Repository data disclosure(2018/Jun/01)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin of 2 titles was released.
◆Studia humana et naturalia No.51 (2017)
◆Research Papers Collection : Department of Nursing-University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicinel 2016

2018 Library Purchased Magazine/Database(2018/May/24)

For details.(Campus only)

Notice of suspension of e-book "Maruzen eBook Library" service(2017/Dec/09)

Because of system maintenance, the e-book "Maruzen eBook Library" will be temporarily unavaiable.
Stop data 2017/12/28(Wed)20:00-2018/1/3(Wed) 24:00

<Digital Archive> Added to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2017/Oct/12)

We started offering books "Hiiron" and "Chiseiron" newly.

<Digital Archive> Added to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2017/Sep/14)

We started offering books "Ensei Meii Fu-herando Zatsubyo Kikan""Johchi Hiroku" and "Geka Johchi Hiroku" newly.

【Repository】 Bulletin of the Liberal Arts Education and School of Nursing Data public.(2017/Jul/12)

In the repository of KPUM"Kissei", the bulletin of 2 titles was released.
In the future, we plan to release the latest issue on both bulletins。
◆Studia humana et naturalia
   No.36 - No.41 (2002-2007)
   No.47-No.50 (2013-2016)
◆Bulletin of the School of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
        Volume17 (2008)

"Annual Review of Biochemistry" Started to e-journal(2017/Jul/05)

The electronic version of 'Annual Review of Biochemistry' can be read from 2017.
Access from outside the campus is possible by Shibboleth authentication.

<Digital Archive> Added to "Rare Books Full Text Archive"(2017/Jun/27)

We started offering a book "Yoka hiroku" newly.

Impact factor latest release(2017/Jun/20)

JCR (Journal Citation Reports) 2016 edition has been released. The latest impact factor will be  2016.Access here.

2017 Library Purchased Magazine/Database(2017/May/22)

For details (campus only)

【Ichushi Web】Use Shibboleth authentication for access from outside the university(2017/Apr/12)

① Click on "学認認証はこちら” below the login button of the Ichushi-Web.
② Select "京都府立医科大学" on selection screen of belonging institution.
③ Enter your universitie's e-mail account, password and login.

<Digital Archive> New book was added to "Rare books full text archive"!(2017/Mar/31)

We started offering a book "Somon gengi genbyoshiki" newly.

【Maruzen eBook Library】 New ebooks update(2017/Mar/17)

Japanese 21 books was added to the Maruzen eBook Library.
Title list
* 1 concurrent access.

Added 10 "Science Direct eBooks"(2017/Mar/01)

10 titles have been added to "Science Direct eBooks".

<Digital archive> Two books were added to "Rare books full text archive"!(2017/Feb/07)

We started offering 2 books "Ganka Kinnou" and "Shichi-Shinyaku" newly.

Nursing e-book newly arrived(2017/Feb/03)

We added 4 e-books to "Maruzen eBook Library".
E-book> Maruzen eBook Library includes "Shinseiji / Shoni ME Kiki Support Book"2nd Edition, "Shusanki Seishin Hoken eno Izanai"etc. 
* 1 concurrent access.

24 titles added to eBook "ebrary"(2017/Jan/23)

We added 22 e-books such as Oxford and Elsevier's Handbook, Textbook etc. to "ebrary".
It can also be used from outside the campus with the Shibboleth certification.
"Ebrary" will be reborn as "Ebook Central" in the February, and two e-books will be added.

You can access the Shibboleth authentication "Medical Online".(2017/Jan/20)

"Medical Online" database is now available from outside the university.
Please see How to use access with Shibboleth authentication.

More smooth retrieval of papers from outside the university! Integrated search Mecke can be used for Shibboleth authentication(2016/Dec/28)

At Mecke, if you search after authenticationg login・・・
1."Ichushi Web""SCOPUS""JAIRO" search becomes effective in "Articles search"
2.Search results→Access the e-journal fulltext.
3.You can save your search fomula alert results.
Please refer to access by Shibboleth authentication for usage.

Notice of Medical Online Fax Service Stopped(2016/Dec/17)

Please note that the service will be temporarily suspended for both reception and transmission.
December 28 18:00 ~ January 5, 2017 9:00
Full-text download service of document PDF can be used as usual.

You can access the Shibboleth authentication ("JCR" and "ESI)(2016/Dec/16)

These databases are now available from outside the university.
・Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
・Essential Science Indicators (ESI)

【NII Database】Notice of Suspention(2016/Nov/24)

With the inspection of the National Institute of Informatics, services such as CiNii Articles, CiNii Books, KAKEN, JAIRO etc are temporarily suspended.
Stop period: 12/2 (Friday) 17: 00 ~ 12/5 (Mon) 9: 00

You can access the Shibboleth authentication ( "Cochrane Library" and "J.Clin. Oncol.", etc.)(2016/Oct/04)

New DB and 5 journals is now available from off-campus.
・Cochrane Library
・"American Journal of Physiology"
・"Journal of Applied Physiology"
・"Physiological Reviews"
・"Journal of Clinical Oncology"
・"Applied Linguistics"
(how to use, refer to the access in the Shibboleth authentication)

2 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2016/Oct/04)

We uploaded 2 new titles.Including 'Zouho jutei naika senyo' 'Byogaku Tsuron'. Do take a look. We will be increasing the titles in the future. 

Questionnaire in order to buy the journals in 2017 and books to be recommended to the student(2016/Jul/19)

Details and answer sheet is here.

Latest version of Impact Factor released(2016/Jun/17)

2015 version of JCR(Journal Citation Reports)has been released. With this, the latest Impact Factor represents 2015 data.
Access: here

You can use the ”Saishin Kango Sakuin Web" from off campus.(2016/Apr/01)

You can now log in with ID / PW authentication . (Campus's only) Please refer to the " password list " .
※ The password to open the password list , please contact the library.

3 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2016/Mar/15)

We uploaded this time 3 new titles. including `ihoutaiseiron`Do take a look.We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

New arrival of nursing electronic books(2016/Feb/24)

Two books are added to Electronic books>Maruzen eBook Library.
The titles are "Midwifery skills learned by photos" and "Bioethics learned by cartoon".

3 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2016/Jan/25)

We uploaded this time 3 new titles. including `chisokusaibaikamujinzou`Do take a look.We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

You can access Shibboleth authentication in the "BMJ", "Oxford University Press"(2015/Dec/11)

Electronic journals DB that can be connected from outside the university added two.
click, here

2 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2015/Nov/05)

We uploaded this time 2 new titles. including `igakusitsukengoshusankahatsumou`Do take a look.
We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

Stop service temporarily due to maintenance(2015/Jul/30)

The following services will be temporarily stopped.
[Suspension Schedule]
・EndNote :  from Aug 1(Sat) 16:00 to Aug 2(Sun) 1:00
・Databases of Elsevier including "ScienceDirect", "Scopus": Aug 2(Sun) 7:00-11:30

One volume newly added to Old Medical Books Collection of Nisuke Matsumoto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science!(2015/Jul/28)

One volume added this time is『Midzuho-gusa』. Do take a look !

Shibboleth authentication start(2015/Jul/23)

With the "GakuNin" participation, it can now be accessed to E-Journal and databases of the contract at the university by Shibboleth authentication from outside the university!
Please refer to the "Electronic Data "> "For Those who access contracted DB-EJ from outside KPUM"> "Shibboleth Authentication" on the left for more information. 

【Japan Medical Abstracts Society】 to stop service temporarily due to maintenance(2015/Jun/22)

Japan Medical Abstracts Society will temporarily stop the service.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would appreciated.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] June 28(Sun) 00:00-3:00

About of Primo service(2015/Apr/27)

We started pre-service of Primo.

New arrival of LWW eBook Collection(2015/Mar/27)


About APC coupon-code(2015/Mar/10)


【JAMA Network】to stop service temporarily due to maintenance(2015/Mar/09)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by JAMA will be suspended for service.
Scheduled Suspension Period: from 12:00 to 16:00 on March 13, 2015


2 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2015/Mar/03)

We uploaded this time 2 new titles. including `kenkadouzatsuroku`Do take a look.
We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

New arrival of nursing electronic books(2015/Feb/17)

8books are added to Electronic books>Maruzen eBook Library.
*One person can access at the same time.

3 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2014/Oct/18)

We uploaded this time 3 new titles including "idan" Do take a look.
We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

Latest version of Impact Factor released(2014/Aug/08)

2013 version of JCR(Journal Citation Reports)has been released. With this, the latest Impact Factor represents 2013 data.
Access: here

Two volumes newly added to Old Medical Books Collection of Nisuke Matsumoto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science!(2014/Jul/29)

【Thieme Clinical Collection】 New arrival of electronic books(2014/Mar/14)

We purchased  30 titles e-books published by Thieme in 2012

【ebrary doody's Springer】New arrival of electronic books(2014/Mar/10)

We purchased 80 titles e-books published by Springer in 2011-2013

[WILEY Online Library] New arrival of electronic books(2014/Jan/20)

We newly purchased the Wiley's 100 bestseller electronic books for medicine and health sciences.
* Details of titles
A search hits the target contents from the search window for electronic journals and electronic books.

25 new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2013/Dec/25)

We uploaded this time 25 new titles including "Shinkan Irinjogensaiseizensho volume 1-8". Do take a look.
We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

[Procedures CONSULT] now available for reading on line !(2013/Dec/05)

This is a database on clinical procedures with explanatory video clips. More than 150 procedures are accessible in both Japanese and English.

New arrival of nursing electronic books(2013/Nov/25)

Two books are added to Electronic books>Maruzen eBook Library.
The titles are "Pediatric nursing skills learned by photos" and "Examination and nursing".

Temporary suspension of NII database service(2013/Nov/13)

National Institute of Informatics (or NII) will stop its services including CiNii Articles、KAKEN、and JAIRO, due to the legal power failure.
Period: Between November 22 (Fri), 17:00 and November 25 (Mon) 9:00

Two new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2013/Oct/24)

We uploaded this time two new titles, "Manbyokaisyun vol.1-8" and "Syokankeibi vol. 1,2 and 3(final)". Do take a look. We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

Elsevier to suspend service temporarily(2013/Sep/30)

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2013/Aug/20)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] August 25(Sun), 2013, from 11:00 to 19:00 (8 hours/Japan time)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

[Maruzen eBook Library] to stop service temporarily due to maintenance(2013/Aug/14)

Maruzen eBook Library will temporarily stop the service of 2 e-books; "Lively practise of nursing study" and "Observation and judgement for nursing" as follows.
Scheduled Suspension Period: from 7:30 to 12:00 on August 27, 2013
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Three volumes newly added to Old Medical Books Collection of Nisuke Matsumoto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science!(2013/Jul/24)

Three volumes added this time are "Ranryouhou", "Honzou Keimou Meiso", and "Chiseiron". Do take a look ! 

JCR to stop service temporarily(2013/Jul/23)

Due to maintenance, Journal Citation Reports will be suspended for service as follows.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from July 28(Sun) 22:00 (Japan Time) to July 29(Mon) 10:00

Latest version of Impact Factor released(2013/Jul/01)

2012 version of JCR(Journal Citation Reports)has been released. With this, the latest Impact Factor represents 2012 data.

JCR to stop service temporarily(2013/Apr/23)

Due to maintenance, Journal Citation Reports will be suspended for service as follows.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from April 28(Sun) 7:00 (Japan Time) to April 29(Mon) 10:00

New title added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2013/Mar/26)

We uploaded this time a new title, "Koutei Daikei Somon vol.1-24". Do take a look. We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

Electronic Japanese journals "Medical on line" to be available from April 1(2013/Mar/26)

On top of PDFs of around 960 journals including "Japanese journal of cancer clinics", ”The journal of therapy" and "Neonatal Care", you can use the medical drug search and the medical equipment/related services search. 
A search from the electronic journal search window of this library website and Ichushi-web can hit the contents.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2013/Mar/05)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] March 10(Sun), 2013, from 12:00 to 18:00 (6 hours/Japan time)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Maruzen eBook Library to stop service temporarily due to maintenance(2013/Mar/05)

Maruzen eBook Library will temporarily stop the service of 2 e-books; "Lively practise of nursing study" and "Observation and judgement for nursing" as follows. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from March 10(Sun) 00:00-12:00

JCR to stop service temporarily(2013/Feb/13)

Due to maintenance, Journal Citation Reports will be suspended for service as follows.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from February 16(Sat) 23:00 (Japan Time) to February 17(Sun) 11:00AM

Maruzen eBook Library to stop service temporarily due to maintenance(2013/Feb/08)

Maruzen eBook Library will be suspended for service as follows. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from February 10(Sun) 00:00-12:00 and February 14(Thu) 18:00-20:00

JCR to stop service temporarily(2013/Jan/18)

Due to maintenance, Journal Citation Reports will be suspended for service as follows.
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from January 20(Sun) 23:00PM (Japan Time) to January 21(Mon) 11:00AM

Two new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2013/Jan/07)

We newly uploaded this time two titles. They are "Sachou Gyokukousho, Prefice/Index, Volumes 1/2/3, Final volume " and "Sinou Satan, Volumes 1/2". Do take a look. We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

Two new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2012/Nov/06)

We newly uploaded this time two titles. They are "Ika Senjimon Chuu", "Youan Sensei Himei Gyoujou; Furoku Youan Sensei Ikyou". Do take a look. We will be increasing the titles in the future, too.

Temporary suspension of NII database service(2012/Oct/25)

National Institute of Informatics (or NII) will stop its services including CiNii、NACSIS Webcat、KAKEN、GeNii, due to the legal power failure. 
Period: Between November 3 (Sat), 17:00 and November 5 (Mon) 9:00
For details, See the following web page.
*System maintenance information

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2012/Sep/19)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] September 30(Sun), 2012, from 11:00 to 23:00 (12 hours/Japan time)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

ScienceDirect and Scopus to be suspended for service temporarily(2012/Aug/17)

Due to product version upgrade, Elsevier will suspend service temporarily for ScienceDirect(electronic journal) and Scopus(literature search).
[Scheduled Suspension Period] from August 25 (Sat) 20:30 to 26 (Sun) 15:30, Japan Time (around 19 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause, and ask you to kindly understand the situation.

Five new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2012/Aug/16)

We newly uploaded this time five titles. They are "Kyoto Ryoubyouin Nikkouroku", "Kirigami", "Sinmyaku Kudenshuu", "Ihou Meikan", "Youjuin Isoku". Do take a look.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2012/Aug/09)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] August 19(Sun), 2012, from 11:00 to 23:00 (12 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Digital Archive(2012/Jul/19)

At the moment, you cannot access the Digital Archive. Please understand.

Latest version of Impact Factor released(2012/Jul/05)

2011 version of JCR(Journal Citation Reports)has been released. With this, the latest Impact Factor represents 2011 data.

[ProQuest to stop service temporarily](2012/Jun/20)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] July 1(Sun), 2012, from 11:00 to 23:00 (12 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Clinical support database "UpToDate Online Version" purchased and accessible(2012/May/30)

Access: (unlimited simultaneous access)
Manuals:Frequently-asked Question  User Manual

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2012/May/02)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] May 6(Sun), 2012, starting from 11:00 to 23:00 (12 hours/Japan time)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

URL of JCR Science be changed(2012/Apr/24)

Effective April 29, the old address will be invalid to access Journal Citation Reports(JCR) Science Ed. Change your bookmarks to the new URL specified as follows.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2012/Mar/23)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] March 25(Sun), 2012, starting from 11:00 to 23:00 (12 hours/Japan time)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

<Digital Archive> A new title added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2012/Mar/22)

<Digital Archive> A new title added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!
We newly uploaded a title, "Bakudoku Zensho". Do take a look. We will be increasing the number of new titles in the future, too.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2012/Mar/08)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] March 18 (Sun), 2012, starting from 11:00 to 23:00 (12 hours/Japan time)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2012/Jan/26)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] February 5 (Sun), 2012, starting from 12:00 for around 12 hours
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Ovid Nursing Full Text(2012/Jan/18)

We provide the 43 titles of collections of nursing electronic journals published by LWW. From January to March they will be on a free trial basis, and are highly likely to be continued from April and onwards. University-wide access is made possible, thanks to the Nursing Department's purchase. 
[Information about the Collections]
(A search will hit the contents from the Electronic Journal Search Window)
[Simultaneous access number] Unlimited

Notice on electronic version of Japanese Nursing Association's Collection of Papers(2012/Jan/18)

Starting from the fiscal year 2011 (The 42nd), the captioned Collection will be digitized and linked to the Latest NursingIndex.You can read and download all the 10 areas of "the Collection of Papers (electronic version)" based upon the search result obtained by the Latest Nursing Index on this library's home page.
*The member of Japanese Nursing Association can read and download from "Member Direct".
*With the digitization, the print version will be discontinued.

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2012/Jan/13)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: January 14(Sat), 2012, maximum 2 hours starting from 19:00 (Japan Time)

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Dec/16)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: December 17(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 19:00 (Japan Time)

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Nov/29)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] December 4 (Sun), 2011, from 12:00 for around 12 hours
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

[Scientific American1845-1909 archives now temporarily opened for free](2011/Nov/22)

"Scientific American" published by Nature Publishing Group is accessible for free from its 
first issue to 1909 issues.
Free Access Period: until November 30 (Wed),2011

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Nov/04)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: November 5(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 19:00 (Japan Time)

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Nov/02)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] November 6 (Sun), 2011, from 11:00 AM for around 12 hours
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Oct/14)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] October 23 (Sun), 2011, from 11:00 AM for around 12 hours
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

JCR service to stop temporarily(2011/Oct/07)

Please take note that the access to JCR will be affected due to the server maintenance.
Scheduled suspension period: October 9 (Sun),2011, from 21:00 (Japan time) (for around 12 hours)

<Digital Archive> Two new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2011/Oct/04)

<Digital Archive> Two new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!
We newly uploaded two titles, "Nikkou Furoku Kaibou Shouran" and "Seii Zappou Dai1-11Gou". Do take a look. We will be increasing the number of new titles in the future, too.

Elsevier to suspend service temporarily(2011/Sep/09)

Due to product release, SciVerse ScienceDirect(electronic journal) will not be available for service. We regret any inconvenience this may cause, and ask you to kindly understand the situation. 
Scheduled Suspension Period: from September 10 (Sat) 20:30 (for about 11 hours) Japan Time

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Aug/17)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] August 21 (Sun), 2011, for some 12 hours starting from 11:00AM
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Jul/20)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] July 31 (Sun), 2011, for some 12 hours starting from 11:00 AM
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

<Digital Archive>Three volumes newly added to Old Medical Books Collection of Nisuke Matsumoto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science!(2011/Jul/08)

<Digital Archive>Three volumes newly added to Old Medical Books Collection of Nisuke Matsumoto Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science!
The three volumes added this time are "Igakushinanhen", "Rekidai Meii Denryaku", "Kyoto Iin Ichiranhyo". Do take a look !

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Jul/06)

Due to server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] July 7 (Thu), 2011, from 11:00 AM to 13:00PM
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Jul/01)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: July 2(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 18:00 (Japan Time)

[EBSCO's database on criminal justice and criminology](2011/Jun/10)

The full text version of Criminal Justice Abstracts. Free access is available for the whole text of around 240 journals published in countries of the world. This is the database that can be the information source to address the internationalization of forensic medicine search and drug poisoning, thanks to its multilateral research on criminal cases justice and criminology. 
Period: 2 months

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Jun/04)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: June 4(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 18:00 (Japan Time)

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/May/26)

Due to the server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] June 5 (Sun), 2011, from 11:00 AM to 23:00PM (Japan time for 12 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/May/20)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: May 21(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 18:00 (Japan Time)

[Nature Review Series etc now available for free access](2011/May/18)

In an effort to suport the restoration from Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, all the 8 titles of "Nature Reviews" and the 8 titles published by NPG are publicized on-line. Please use them in accordance with the purpose. 
1 Nature Reviews Cardiology (2007- 2011)
2 Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology (2007- 2011)
3 Nature Reviews Endocrinology (2007- 2011)
4 Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2007- 2011)
5 Nature Reviews Nephrology (2007- 2011)
6 Nature Reviews Neurology (2007- 2011)
7 Nature Reviews Rheumatology (2007- 2011)
8 Nature Reviews Urology (2007- 2011)
9 American Journal of Gastroenterology (1999- 2011)
10 Bone Marrow Transplantation (1997- 2011)
11 British Journal of Cancer (1947- 2011)
12 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1938- 2011)
13 Kidney International (1972- 2011)
14 Lab Animal (2003- 2011)
15 Leukemia (1997- 2011)
16 Oncogene (1997- 2011)
(They can be accessed from "Free and open information for medical support after Great Eastern Japan Earthquake" or the Electronic Journal Search Window.)
Free open period: September 30, 2011
Login is possible by IP address of PC's within KPUM premises, or by ID/PW from outside KPUM. (ID/Password for the access are posted in the list. For the password to open it, please contact <>.)

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/May/13)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: May 14(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 18:00 (Japan Time) 

【Ichushi Web Version Upgrade】(2011/Apr/27)

As from April 25, Ichushi Web's new version called "Ver.5" was released. The search window was renewed to improve its user-friendliness. Please see details from here . The old "Ver.4" will be provided in parallel for the time being but is scheduled to be closed at the end of August.
* Please take note of following points if you previously bookmarked ID/PW input window
If you bookmarked the ID/PW input window (URL; appears after Ichushi Web login window, you cannot access "Ver.5" unless you change the URL. This ID/PW input window will be provided exclusively for "Ver.4" from April 25 onwards. Please bookmark instead either "" or "".

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Apr/14)

Due to the server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will be suspended for service.
[Suspension Schedule] April 17 (Sun), 2011, from 11:00 AM to 23:00PM (Japan time for 12 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Apr/01)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during the access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: April 2(Sat), 2011, maximum 2 hours starting from 18:00 (Japan Time)

【KARGER in focus Personalized Medicine】(2011/Mar/29)

KARGER in focus is the service that cross-sectionally collects distinguished dissertations from Karger's publications (books included) on a particular theme. The theme of this time is "personalized medicine".
Usable period: until July 2011


DynaMed, a clinical support tool, becomes available for use effective April 1, 2011.The use is limited to KPUM staff and students. (Retroactively usable from today) It is an "Evidence-based medicine" giving solutions to clinical questions in a short period of time.
*Login is possible by IP address of PC's within KPUM premises, or by ID/PW from outside KPUM. (ID/Password for the access are posted in the list. For the password to open it, please contact <>.
* Regarding access using mobile equipment, you can download Dynamed on to your PDA,SmartPhone,and iPhone/iPod Touch. (The use is limited to KPUM staff and students)
Serial number issuing window:
About PDA: 

OUP's electronic journals suspended (March 19, 2011)(2011/Mar/19)

At the moment, the electronic journals of Oxford University Press are not accessible due to their server trouble. It has not been decided yet when they will be recovered. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding is much appreciated.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Mar/18)

Due to the server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will suspend service.
[Suspension Schedule] March 20 (Sun), 2011, from 11:00 AM to 23:00PM (Japan time for 12 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Your kind understanding would be much appreciated.

NII suspends services including databases(2011/Mar/16)

Affected by Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s scheduled power rationing as the result of 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake, services that National Institute of Informatics provides (Webcat、Webcat Plus、 GeNii、CiNii, and etc) are suspended. Please access for latest information from here.

NII suspends services including databases(2011/Mar/14)

NII suspends services including databases
Affected by Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s scheduled power rationing as the result of 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake, services that National Institute of Informatics provides (Webcat、Webcat Plus、 GeNii、CiNii, and etc) will be suspended on March 14. Plan on March 15 and onwards has not been decided yet.

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Mar/04)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: March 5(Sat), 2011, 19:00 - 21:00

<Digital Archive> Two new titles added to "Full-text Digital Archive of Rare Books"!(2011/Mar/03)

We newly uploaded two titles, "Taisei Hanron: Souzu" and "Kyoto Furitu Igaku Senmon Gakkou Soritsu Sanjuunen Kinen Enkaku Ryakushi). Do take a look. We will be increasing the number of new titles in the future, too.

Backfiles added to "LWW Fixed 100"(2011/Mar/03)

"LWW Definitive Archive for Fixed 100" was added to "LWW Fixed 100". You can access most of the backfiles of the journals covered by the said collection. Please use it.

Elsevier to suspend service temporarily(2011/Feb/22)

Science Direct (electronic journal) and Scopus will not be available for service. We regret any inconvenience this may cause, and ask you to kindly understand the situation. 
Scheduled Suspension Period: from February 26 (Sat) 22:00 to February 27 (Sun) 10:00, Japan Time

Wiley's online library service to stop temporarily(2011/Feb/04)

Due to maintenance, the captioned service can be affected during access using SFX, of which please take note.
Suspension Period: February 5(Sat), maximum 2 hours starting from 19:00(Japan time)

Abstracts of American Journal of Psychiatry available in Japanese(2011/Jan/26)

Abstracts of 4 dissertations related to new research and selected from " American Journal of Psychiatry" are posted in Japanese for a limited period. Do make use of this free trial.
AJP Japanese version access:
Available Period: until the end of July 2011 (re-extended)
Password and ID for Access are posted in the password list. Email to this library ( for a password to open this list.

ProQuest to stop service temporarily(2011/Jan/25)

Due to the server maintenance, the electronic journals provided by ProQuest will suspend service.
[Suspension Schedule] January 30 (Sun), 2011, from 12:00 to 24:00 (Japan time for 12 hours)
We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Please understand that this is the indispensable procedure.

"Science Express" newly added to the contract of "Science Magazine!(2011/Jan/20)

Effective from 2011, "Science Express" was added to the contract of "Science Magazine". You can read preliminary articles prior to their being published in "Science Magazine". Do make use of it.

Part of contents in The New England Journal of Medicine available in Japanese(2011/Jan/06)

The New England Journal of Medicine selects 1 dissertation every week from its contents to issue a monthly called "Briefings" that covers 4 weeks' portion. The Japanese translations of "Briefings" are delivered for a limited period.
Access to "Briefings" in Japanese:

Period: until end February 2011-> extended to end April ->re-extended to end July
Password and ID for Access are posted in the password list. Send email to this library ( a password to open this list.